Blight League
The Blight league and Hardcore Blight league are upcoming challenge leagues. They will launch on September 6, 2019.
In this league, the world is infested with Blight and its Fungal Growths. The player will assist Sister Cassia in destroying these growths. The growth, once agitated, spawns tendrils across the ground and summon monsters to defend it. These monsters follow a straight path along the tendrils, but are unusually tough. Players can place Towers besides the tendril's paths to attack and weaken them, and must hold off the monsters and protect the base until the growth is destroyed. The Blight drops loot when destroyed, including special Oils which are used to Anoint items, giving it an additional implicit which improves your towers or allocates and bestows the effect of a passive skill from the skill tree.
All characters and stashes will be moved to Standard league and Hardcore league respectively when the leagues end. Characters that die in the Hardcore Blight league are immediately moved to the permanent Standard league.