Path of Exile 3.8.0e Patch Notes
Date: Sep/11/19 19:09:36 Views:235
Path of Exile 3.11.1c Harvest Patch Notes Update
Path of Exile 3.11.1B Harvest Patch Notes Update
Path of Exile 3.11.1 Harvest Patch Notes Update
Path of Exile 3.11.0 Harvest Patch Notes Update
Path of Exile 3.10.1f Patch Notes Update
Path of Exile 3.10.1d Patch Notes Update
Path of Exile 3.10.1c Patch Notes Update
Path of Exile 3.10.1 Patch Notes Update
Path of Exile 3.10.0d Patch Notes Update
Path of Exile: Delirium 3.10 Update Patch Notes
Improved the placement of Blight Tower positions such that there are fewer clusters of unused Tower foundations.
Fixed a bug where Blight Rhoas could become immune to damage if they died while Petrified.
Fixed a bug where some Echoing Lair and Frigid Recess Delve encounters could not be completed.
Fixed a bug introduced in 3.8.0 where The Elder would use his skills far too frequently in the final phase of the encounter.
Fixed a bug where, when detonating Mines without a valid target (and thus don't use the skill), they would continue to repeatedly detonate in sequence (and still count towards Mine Detonation Sequence benefits) without destroying the Mines.
Fixed a client crash that could occur when teleporting to party members.