Metamorph & Conquerors Improvements:

  • Maps now display their Atlas Region by default. Holding Alt displays Map Completion, Bonus Objective Completion and Awakening Objective Completion status.

  • Added frames to the Map Stash which indicate if a Map is influenced by a Conqueror.

  • Added visual indicators at the centre of the Atlas which display which Conquerors have been defeated. These visual indicators are removed upon opening portals to the Eye of the Storm.

  • Clicking anywhere on a Citadel with a non-Unique Watchstone on your cursor now sockets that Watchstone into the appropriate socket if one is available.

  • Adjusted the positions of various Citadels so that they aren't hidden by UI elements.

  • Opening a Map that is affected by multiple of the same or similar Sextant modifiers no longer consumes a use of the duplicate Sextant modifier.

  • The Mark of the Shaper and Mark of the Elder unique rings now grant both bonuses if your other ring is Shaper and Elder influenced.

  • Sirus, Awakener of Worlds now drops Influenced Items when killed.

  • Immunity to Shock now correctly prevents you from being Shocked while standing in the Desolation of the Awakener ground effect.

  • Added a visual indicator to Maps in the Map Stash which indicates if the Awakening Objective has been completed.

  • Added a visual indicator to Watchstones and Watchstones socketed in Citadels which indicates whether or not they have a Sextant applied to them.

  • Added some additional modifiers to the pool of modifiers that Awakened Sextants can apply.

  • Portals to Maps which contain a Conqueror encounter now use Zana's portal effect.

  • Fixed a bug where Maps that had already spawned Influence for a specific Conqueror had a lower chance to spawn Influence again than intended.

  • Fixed a bug where Conqueror's Exalted Orbs didn't respect the "Cannot roll Caster Modifiers" and "Cannot roll Attack Modifiers" modifiers.

  • Fixed a bug where portals to the Conqueror encounters could spawn in inaccessible locations.

  • Fixed a bug where applying a Sextant to a Watchstone socketed in a Citadel could generate the same or a similar modifier which was already on another Watchstone in that same Citadel.

  • Fixed a bug where various modifiers found on the Precursor's Emblem unique ring were not affected by Quality applied by Catalysts.

  • Fixed a bug where various Chaos Resistance modifiers were not being increased by Quality applied by Prismatic Catalysts.

  • Fixed a bug where the "x% reduced Mana Reservation" modifiers which affect Herald skills were not affected by Fertile Catalyst Quality.

  • Fixed a bug where you could allocate passives connected to another class's starting passives by allocating a passive immediately connected to that class's starting location through the use of the Thread of Hope unique jewel.

  • Fixed a bug where the Metamorph UI always displayed a missing organ in the Basilica Map, even when the area was fully cleared.

  • Fixed various performance issues that could occur when encountering Conquerors and their monsters in Maps.

  • Fixed a visual bug where only the creator of an area would see the organ collection graphic when killing Metamorph targets.

General Improvements:

  • Unique Maps can once again be searched by name on the Atlas.

  • Divination Cards which grant Shaper-related items now have their Shaper background once again.

  • Maps that are Influenced by The Shaper or The Elder now have a fancy background or border.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where Ignites applied by Explosive Arrow sometimes dealt no damage.

  • Fixed a bug where Volatile Dead orbs didn't detonate when reaching the maximum amount allowed (60).

  • Fixed a bug where Vaal Temple Map could be obtained through the 3 to 1 Map Vendor Recipe.

  • Fixed a bug where a Terrain Generation Failure could occur when entering the Plaza Map.

  • Fixed a bug where mana reservation costs for an Aura could be much lower than intended through the use of Spell Totem and the Ancient Waystones unique jewel.

  • Fixed a bug which prevented using the Time Portal to leave an Incursion.

  • Fixed a bug where PvP-only characters could enter the Azurite Mine.

  • Fixed a bug introduced in 3.9.0 that made the Miracle Map Device much bigger than intended.

  • Fixed a client crash that could occur when getting near party members who were using the Chains of Command unique body armour.

  • Fixed an instance crash that could occur when using Lightning Warp Mines.


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