Crimson Jewel is a jewel base type.



#% increased Damage with Maces and Sceptres
#% increased Damage with Axes
#% increased Damage with Swords
#% increased Damage with Staves

#% increased Damage with One Handed Weapons
#% increased Damage with Two Handed Weapons
#% increased Weapon Damage while Dual Wielding
#% increased Attack Damage while holding a Shield

#% increased Fire Damagefire

#% increased Cold Damagecold

#% increased Lightning Damagelightning

#% increased Global Physical Damagephysical

#% increased Chaos Damagechaos

#% increased Attack Speed with Maces and Sceptres
#% increased Attack Speed with Axes
#% increased Attack Speed with Swords
#% increased Attack Speed with Staves

#% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons
#% increased Attack Speed with Two Handed Melee Weapons
#% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
#% increased Attack Speed while holding a Shield

#% increased maximum Lifelife

#% increased maximum Manamana

#% increased Mana Regeneration Ratemana

#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Lifelife,physical,attack

#% increased Armourdefences

#% increased Critical Strike Chance with One Handed Melee Weapons
#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Two Handed Melee Weapons
#% increased Weapon Critical Strike Chance while Dual Wielding

#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Fire Skillsfire

#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Cold Skillscold

#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Lightning Skillslightning

+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with One Handed Melee Weapons
+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Two Handed Melee Weapons
+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier while Dual Wielding

+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Fire Skillsfire

+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Cold Skillscold

+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Lightning Skillslightning

#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding
#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while holding a Shield
#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff

#% Chance to Block Spell Damage while Dual Wielding
#% Chance to Block Spell Damage while holding a Shield
#% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a Staff

#% increased Totem Damage

#% increased Totem Lifelife



#% increased Melee Damage
#% increased Projectile Damage
#% increased Damage

#% increased Damage over Time

#% increased Area Damage

#% increased Attack Speedattack,speed

#% increased Projectile Speedspeed

#% increased Attack and Cast Speedattack,caster,speed

+# to Strength

+# to Dexterity

+# to Intelligence

+# to Strength and Dexterity

+# to Strength and Intelligence

+# to Dexterity and Intelligence

+# to all Attributes

+# Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attackslife,attack

#% increased Rarity of Items found

#% increased Global Critical Strike Chanceattack

+#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier

#% increased Melee Critical Strike Chanceattack

#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Elemental Skillselemental

+#% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplierattack

+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skillselemental

+#% to Fire Resistancefire

+#% to Cold Resistancecold

+#% to Lightning Resistancelightning

+#% to Fire and Cold Resistancesfire,cold

+#% to Fire and Lightning Resistancesfire,lightning

+#% to Cold and Lightning Resistancescold,lightning

+#% to all Elemental Resistanceselemental

+#% to Chaos Resistancechaos

#% increased Stun Duration on Enemies

#% increased Stun and Block Recovery

#% reduced Mana Cost of Skillsmana

#% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit

#% chance to Freeze
#% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
#% chance to Shock
#% increased Shock Duration on Enemies
#% chance to Ignite
#% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
#% chance to Poison on Hit
#% increased Poison Duration
Attacks have #% chance to cause Bleeding
#% increased Bleeding Duration

#% increased Damage with Poisonpoison

#% increased Damage with Bleedingbleed

#% increased Burning Damagefire

Totems gain +#% to all Elemental Resistanceselemental

+#% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
+#% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier

Delve Prefix


#% Fire Resistancefire,Damage,Penetrates

#% Cold Resistancecold,Damage,Penetrates

Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistancelightning

#% reduced Physical Damage taken over timephysical

#% of Life per secondlife,Regenerate

#% increased Global Defencesdefences

Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistanceselemental

Delve Suffix


#% increased Chaos Damagechaos

+# to Armour if you've Hit an Enemy Recentlydefences

+# to Evasion Rating if Hit an Enemy Recentlydefences

Regenerate #% of Energy Shield per second if you've Hit an Enemy Recentlydefences

#% increased Damage with Ailmentspoison,bleed

#% chance to Avoid interruption from Stuns while Castingcaster

#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Lifeattack,life

#% of Damage taken gained as Mana over # seconds when Hitmana

#% chance to gain Onslaught when you use a Flaskspeed

Minions have #% increased Attack Speed
Minions  have #% increased Cast Speed

#% chance to gain an additional Vaal  Soul on Kill

Vaal Orb /15

33Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you
40You cannot be Hindered
1#% increased Effect of non-Damaging  Ailments on Enemies
1#% increased Area of Effect
1#% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
1#% increased Damage
40You cannot be Maimed
1Minions deal #% increased Damageminion
1#% reduced Mana Reservedmana
60You cannot be Cursed with Silence


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