Gloves is an item class of armour pieces that can contain up to 4 sockets.


54# to maximum Lifelife
28Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacksattack,attack,physical
28Adds # to # Fire Damage to Attacksattack,attack,fire
29Adds # to # Cold Damage to Attacksattack,attack,cold
28Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Attacksattack,attack,lightning
50#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Lifeattack,attack,life,physical
84#% increased Armourdefences
78#% increased Armour
#% increased Stun and Block Recovery
30# to Armourdefences
46# to Armour
# to maximum Life
50#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Manaattack,attack,physical,mana
39#% increased Rarity of Items found 
82# to Strength 
85# to Dexterity 
30#% increased Rarity of Items found 
76#% increased Attack Speedattack,attack,speed
85# to Accuracy Ratingattack,attack
83Regenerate # Life per secondflat_life_regen,life
84#% to Fire Resistancefire
84#% to Cold Resistancecold
84#% to Lightning Resistancelightning
81#% to Chaos Resistancechaos
8# Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacksattack,attack,life
40# Life gained on Killlife
40# Mana gained on Killmana
60#% reduced Attribute Requirements 

The Shaper

68Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Mana Leechmana
83#% increased Projectile Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by  Level # Slower Projectiles
84#% increased Cast Speed
Socketed Gems are Supported by  Level # Faster Casting
80#% chance to Avoid interruption from Stuns while Castingcaster,caster
84Skills which Throw Traps throw up to # additional Trap
Socketed  Gems are Supported by Level # Trap
#% increased Trap  Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by  Level # Trap
#% increased Trap Damage
Socketed  Gems are Supported by Level # Advanced Traps
#% increased  Trap Throwing Speed
Socketed Gems are Supported by  Level # Advanced Traps
#% increased Trap Damage
 Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trap And Mine Damage
80#% Global chance to Blind Enemies on hit
Socketed Gems are  supported by Level # Blind
83Socketed Spells have #% to Critical Strike Multipliercaster,caster
80#% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
#% to Fire Damage over  Time Multiplier

The Elder

82#% increased Projectile Speed
Socketed Gems are supported by  Level # Faster Projectiles
84#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on  Kill
85#% increased Attack Speed
Socketed Gems are Supported by  Level # Faster Attacks
#% increased Attack and Cast Speed
85# to Melee Weapon and Unarmed Attack rangeattack,attack
80#% increased Damage with Poison
Socketed Gems are Supported by  Level # Poison
#% increased Poison Duration
 Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Poison
80#% increased Damage with Bleeding
Socketed Gems are Supported  by Level # Chance To Bleed
83#% increased Global Accuracy Rating
Socketed Gems are supported  by Level # Additional Accuracy
80#% Chance to Block Attack Damagedefences
84Socketed Attacks have #% to Critical Strike Multiplierattack,attack
80#% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
#% to Physical Damage  over Time Multiplier


1Adds # to # Fire Damagefire
1Adds # to # Cold Damagecold
1Adds # to # Lightning Damagelightning
1Adds # to # Physical Damagephysical
1Adds # to # Chaos Damagechaos
1# to maximum Life
#% increased maximum Life
1Adds # to # Physical Damage against Poisoned Enemiespoison
1Adds # to # Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemiesbleed
1Minions deal #% increased Damageminion
1Regenerate #% of Life per secondlife
1#% increased Armourdefences
1#% Chance to Block Attack Damagedefences
1#% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on youelemental
1Socketed Skills have #% increased Cast Speedcaster,speed
1Socketed Skills have #% increased Attack Speedattack,speed
1# Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacksmana
1#% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Hit an Enemy Recentlyspeed
1# to Level of Socketed Strength Gemsgem_level
1# to Level of Socketed Dexterity Gemsgem_level
1# to Level of Socketed Intelligence Gemsgem_level
1Has # Abyssal Socket 
1#% increased Vaal Skill Critical Strike Chance 

Crafting Bench

81# to maximum Life
# to maximum Life
 Regenerate # Mana per second
30#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Lifeattack,life,physical
81# to maximum Mana
# to maximum Mana
 Regenerate # Life per second
75#% increased Armour
#% increased Evasion Rating
#%  increased Energy Shield
#% increased Armour and Evasion
 #% increased Armour and Energy Shield
#% increased Evasion and  Energy Shield
30# to Armour
# to Evasion Rating
# to  maximum Energy Shield
20Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacksattack,physical
30Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Attackschaos
40Minions deal #% increased Damageminion
81#% increased Armour and Evasion
# to maximum  Life
#% increased Armour and Energy Shield
# to  maximum Life
#% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
 # to maximum Life
#% increased Armour
# to  maximum Life
#% increased Evasion Rating
# to  maximum Life
#% increased Energy Shield
# to maximum  Life
#% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
 # to maximum Life
60#% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damagefire,physical
60#% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damagecold,physical
60#% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damagelightning,physical
60#% increased Area of Effect
# to Level of Socketed AoE  Gems
60Projectiles Pierce an additional Target
# to Level of  Socketed Projectile Gems
60# to Melee Weapon and Unarmed Attack range
# to Level  of Socketed Melee Gems
81#% additional Physical Damage Reduction while Focussed
 grant_focus_skill [#]
81#% increased Damage while Leeching 
81#% increased Damage during any Flask Effect 
1Suffixes Cannot Be Changed 
50#% to Fire Resistancefire
50#% to Cold Resistancecold
50#% to Lightning Resistancelightning
40# to Strength 
40# to Dexterity 
40# to Intelligence 
75#% to Fire and Cold Resistancesfire,cold
75#% to Cold and Lightning Resistancescold,lightning
75#% to Fire and Lightning Resistancesfire,lightning
50# to all Attributes 
30#% increased Attack Speedattack,speed
68# to Accuracy Ratingattack
75#% chance to Avoid being Stunned 
75#% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailmentselemental
81# to Strength and Dexterity 
81# to Dexterity and Intelligence 
81# to Strength and Intelligence 
50You have Onslaught during Soul Gain Preventionspeed
81Non-Vaal Skills deal #% increased Damage during Soul Gain Prevention 
81#% increased Elemental Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike  Recently
#% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
 Adds # to # Chaos Damage if you've dealt a Critical  Strike Recently
#% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
81#% increased Attack and Cast Speed while Focussed
 grant_focus_skill [#]
60Minions Recover #% of their Life when you Focus
 grant_focus_skill [#]
81#% to Fire and Chaos Resistancesfire,chaos
81#% to Lightning and Chaos Resistanceslightning,chaos
81#% to Cold and Chaos Resistancescold,chaos
81#% increased Brand Attachment rangecaster
1Prefixes Cannot Be Changed 
1Can have multiple Crafted Modifiers 
1Cannot roll Attack Modifiers 
1Cannot roll Caster Modifierscaster


82# to maximum Energy Shield
# to Evasion  Rating
# to Armour
82# to maximum Lifelife
82Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacksattack,attack,physical
82Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Attacksattack,attack,lightning
82Adds # to # Cold Damage to Attacksattack,attack,cold
82Adds # to # Fire Damage to Attacksattack,fire
82# to maximum Manamana
84#% to Cold Resistancecold
82# to Dexterity 
84#% to Fire Resistancefire
82Minions have #% increased maximum Lifeminion
82# to Strength 
84#% to Lightning Resistancelightning
82#% increased Global Critical Strike Chance 
82# to Intelligence 
82#% increased Attack Speedattack,attack,speed
1#% chance to Avoid being Stunned 
81#% to Chaos Resistancechaos
63Socketed Gems deal # to # additional Fire  Damage
Socketed Gems have #% more Attack and Cast  Speed
Socketed Gems deal #% more Damage over Time
63Socketed Gems have #% Critical Strike Chance 

Vaal Orb /20

30Curse Enemies with Level # Despair on Hitchaos
1# to Level of Socketed Gemsgem_level
60Attacks have +#% to Critical Strike Chanceattack
1#% increased Attack Speedattack,speed
1#% increased Cast Speedcaster,speed
60Spells have +#% to Critical Strike Chancecaster
60# to Maximum Frenzy Charges 
20# to Level of Socketed Duration Gemsgem_level
20# to Level of Socketed AoE Gemsgem_level
20# to Level of Socketed Aura Gemsaura,gem_level
20# to Level of Socketed Curse Gemsgem_level
20# to Level of Socketed Trap or Mine Gemsgem_level
20# to Level of Socketed Warcry Gemsgem_level
20# to Level of Socketed Projectile Gemsgem_level
1#% increased maximum Lifelife
1#% increased maximum Energy Shielddefences


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