Life Flasks are an item class and a subtype of flasks which recovers life over time. The flask ends its effect if maximum Life is reached. They also queue up if multiple flasks are active.

Life Flasks

9#% increased Recovery rate
Instant Recovery when on Low Life
#% reduced Amount Recovered
#% of Recovery applied Instantly
#% reduced Amount Recovered
#% increased Recovery rate
13#% increased Amount Recovered
#% reduced Recovery rate
#% increased Recovery when on Low Life
#% increased Life Recovered
Removes #% of Life Recovered from Mana when used
7Instant Recovery
#% reduced Amount Recovered
2# to Maximum Charges
12#% increased Charge Recovery
#% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
Recharges # Charges when you take a Critical Strike
14#% reduced Charges used
12Gain # Charge when you are Hit by an Enemy
10#% increased Amount Recovered
#% increased Charges used
4Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Flask effect
Removes Freeze and Chill on use
6Immunity to Ignite during Flask effect
Removes Burning on use
8Immunity to Bleeding during Flask effect
Removes Bleeding on use
10Immunity to Shock during Flask effect
Removes Shock on use
12#% increased Armour during Flask effect
#% increased Evasion Rating during Flask effect
#% increased Movement Speed during Flask effect
#% increased Block and Stun Recovery during Flask effect
#% additional Elemental Resistances during Flask effect
Adds Knockback to Melee Attacks during Flask effect
#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life during Flask effect
#% increased Attack Speed during Flask effect
#% increased Cast Speed during Flask effect
#% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite during Flask effect
10Grants #% of Life Recovery to Minionsminion
16Immune to Poison during Flask Effect
Removes Poison on use
18Immune to Curses during Flask effect
Removes Curses on use

Vaal Orb /375

1+(35–60) Armour while stationaryBoots(1.14%)
31+(61–138) Armour while stationaryBoots(1.14%)
75+(139–322) Armour while stationaryBoots(0.57%)
1Adds (3–4) to (7–8) Cold Damage to Spells and AttacksRings(0.88%)
31Adds (6–9) to (13–16) Cold Damage to Spells and AttacksRings(0.88%)
81Adds (12–16) to (24–28) Cold Damage to Spells and AttacksRings(0.22%)
1Adds (6–8) to (13–15) Cold Damage to Bow AttacksQuivers(1.48%)
31Adds (14–18) to (27–32) Cold Damage to Bow AttacksQuivers(1.48%)
75Adds (21–25) to (39–44) Cold Damage to Bow AttacksQuivers(0.74%)
1+(35–60) to Global Evasion Rating while movingBoots(1.14%)
31+(61–138) to Global Evasion Rating while movingBoots(1.14%)
75+(139–322) to Global Evasion Rating while movingBoots(0.57%)
1Adds (3–5) to (7–8) Fire Damage to Spells and AttacksRings(0.88%)
31Adds (7–10) to (15–18) Fire Damage to Spells and AttacksRings(0.88%)
82Adds (13–18) to (28–33) Fire Damage to Spells and AttacksRings(0.22%)
1Adds (8–10) to (15–18) Fire Damage to Bow AttacksQuivers(1.48%)
31Adds (17–22) to (33–39) Fire Damage to Bow AttacksQuivers(1.48%)
75Adds (21–28) to (42–49) Fire Damage to Bow AttacksQuivers(0.74%)
1Adds 1 to (14–15) Lightning Damage to Spells and AttacksRings(0.88%)
31Adds (1–2) to (27–28) Lightning Damage to Spells and AttacksRings(0.88%)
83Adds (1–5) to (50–52) Lightning Damage to Spells and AttacksRings(0.22%)
1Adds (1–2) to (27–28) Lightning Damage to Bow AttacksQuivers(1.48%)
31Adds (2–5) to (58–61) Lightning Damage to Bow AttacksQuivers(1.48%)
75Adds (2–6) to (72–76) Lightning Damage to Bow AttacksQuivers(0.74%)
1(8–10)% increased Area of EffectBelts(1.08%)
75Bow Attacks fire an additional ArrowBows(0.31%) Quivers(0.3%)
80Skills Chain +1 timesQuivers(0.3%)
60+(20–25)% to Critical Strike Multiplier during any Flask EffectBelts(1.08%)
60You can apply an additional CurseAmulets(0.43%)
1(3–5)% additional Physical Damage Reduction while stationaryBody Armours(1.39%)
1Skills fire an additional ProjectileThrusting One Hand Swords(3.57%)
56Grants Level 21 Anger SkillRings(0.44%)
1(8–10)% increased Attack SpeedAmulets(0.86%)
1Cannot be BlindedHelmets(1.14%)
1(4–5)% Chance to Block Attack DamageAmulets(0.86%)
1You can catch Corrupted FishFishing Rods(6.25%)
85Bleeding cannot be inflicted on youRings(0.09%)
60Cannot be IgnitedRings(0.44%)
60Cannot be PoisonedRings(0.44%)
1(10–20)% increased Cast SpeedFishing Rods(6.25%)
120% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
  (30–40)% increased Attack Damage against Bleeding Enemies
One Hand Axes(2.7%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%)
1(4–6)% chance to Dodge Attack HitsBoots(1.14%)
1(5–7)% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you Stun an EnemyOne Hand Maces(2.7%) Staves(1.96%) Two Hand Maces(2.44%) Sceptres(1.96%) Warstaff(1.96%)
1(10–15)% chance to Fortify on Melee hitRings(0.88%) One Hand Swords(2.7%) One Hand Axes(2.7%) One Hand Maces(2.7%)
1(9–11)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on KillClaws(1.96%) Daggers(1.47%) Bows(1.53%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
1(10–15)% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on KillAmulets(0.86%) One Hand Swords(2.7%) Thrusting One Hand Swords(3.57%) One Hand Axes(2.7%) One Hand Maces(2.7%)
1(5–7)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical StrikeAmulets(0.86%) Claws(1.96%) Daggers(1.47%) Wands(1.96%) Staves(1.96%) Sceptres(1.96%) Rune Dagger(1.47%) Warstaff(1.96%)
1(10–15)% chance to gain Unholy Might for 3 seconds on KillDaggers(1.47%) Wands(1.96%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
1(4–6)% chance to Dodge Spell HitsBoots(1.14%)
56Grants Level 21 Clarity SkillAmulets(0.86%)
500.5% of Cold Damage Leeched as LifeAmulets(0.86%) Quivers(1.48%) Helmets(1.14%)
56Grants Level 23 Conductivity SkillRings(0.44%)
33Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on youJewel(2.5%)
30Curse Enemies with Level (10–12) Despair on HitGloves(1.25%)
30Curse Enemies with Level (10–12) Elemental Weakness on HitGloves(1.25%)
30Curse Enemies with Level (10–12) Enfeeble on HitGloves(1.25%)
30Curse Enemies with Level (10–12) Temporal Chains on HitGloves(1.25%)
30Curse Enemies with Level (10–12) Vulnerability on HitGloves(1.25%)
56Grants Level 23 Despair SkillRings(0.44%)
56Grants Level 23 Determination SkillShields(0.4%)
56Grants Level 23 Discipline SkillShields(0.4%)
60(6–10)% chance to Dodge Attack Hits while movingBoots(1.14%)
60(6–10)% chance to Dodge Spell Hits while movingBoots(1.14%)
1+(8–10)% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual WieldingClaws(1.96%)
1Damage Penetrates (8–10)% Elemental ResistancesWands(1.96%) Thrusting One Hand Swords(3.57%)
500.5% of Fire Damage Leeched as LifeAmulets(0.86%) Quivers(1.48%) Helmets(1.14%)
1(5–10)% increased Quantity of Fish CaughtFishing Rods(6.25%)
1(5–10)% increased Rarity of Fish CaughtFishing Rods(6.25%)
56Grants Level 23 Flammability SkillRings(0.44%)
56Grants Level 23 Frostbite SkillRings(0.44%)
1Gain a Frenzy Charge after Spending a total of 200 ManaThrusting One Hand Swords(3.57%)
1+1 to Level of Socketed GemsGloves(1.25%) Boots(1.14%) Body Armours(1.39%) Shields(1.19%)
1+(25–30)% to Global Critical Strike MultiplierClaws(1.96%) Daggers(1.47%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
56Grants Level 23 Grace SkillShields(0.4%)
56Grants Level 21 Haste SkillBoots(0.57%)
56Grants Level 21 Hatred SkillRings(0.44%)
56Grants Level 23 Malevolence SkillAmulets(0.86%)
56Grants Level 23 Zealotry SkillRings(0.44%)
56Grants Level 21 Pride SkillRings(0.44%)
40You cannot be HinderedJewel(2.5%)
1(5–7)% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments on EnemiesJewel(2.5%)
1(15–20)% increased Area of EffectWands(1.96%) One Hand Swords(2.7%) One Hand Axes(2.7%) One Hand Maces(2.7%) Sceptres(1.96%)
1(25–30)% increased Area of EffectStaves(1.96%) Two Hand Swords(2.44%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%) Two Hand Maces(2.44%) Warstaff(1.96%)
1(4–5)% increased Area of EffectJewel(2.5%)
60Attacks have +(0.5–0.8)% to Critical Strike ChanceGloves(1.25%)
1(8–10)% increased Attack SpeedRings(0.44%) Gloves(1.25%)
60(8–12)% increased Attack Speed during any Flask EffectBelts(1.08%)
40(30–40)% increased Burning DamageHelmets(1.14%)
1(8–10)% increased Cast SpeedRings(0.44%) Gloves(1.25%)
60(8–12)% increased Cast Speed during any Flask EffectBelts(1.08%)
40(25–30)% increased Effect of ChillHelmets(1.14%)
1(8–10)% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceJewel(2.5%)
1(35–40)% increased Critical Strike Chance during any Flask EffectBelts(1.08%)
1(40–50)% increased DamageBody Armours(1.39%)
1(4–5)% increased DamageJewel(2.5%)
1(50–60)% increased Damage over TimeDaggers(1.47%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
1(12–15)% increased Skill Effect DurationBelts(1.08%)
1(8–10)% increased maximum Energy ShieldBelts(1.08%)
1(15–25)% increased Global Physical DamageRings(0.44%)
1(6–8)% increased maximum LifeBelts(1.08%)
1Regenerate (1.6–2)% of Life per secondHelmets(1.14%)
60(8–12)% increased Movement Speed during any Flask EffectBelts(1.08%)
40Projectiles deal (20–25)% increased Damage for each time they have ChainedQuivers(1.48%)
40Projectiles deal (8–10)% increased Damage for each Enemy PiercedQuivers(1.48%)
40(25–30)% increased Effect of ShockHelmets(1.14%)
60Spells have +(0.5–0.8)% to Critical Strike ChanceGloves(1.25%)
1+2 to Level of Socketed Cold GemsHelmets(1.14%)
1+2 to Level of Socketed Fire GemsHelmets(1.14%)
1+2 to Level of Socketed Lightning GemsHelmets(1.14%)
500.5% of Lightning Damage Leeched as LifeAmulets(0.86%) Quivers(1.48%) Helmets(1.14%)
1Adds (1–2) to (3–5) Chaos DamageDaggers(1.47%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
31Adds (6–8) to (11–13) Chaos DamageDaggers(1.47%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
84Adds (8–11) to (19–23) Chaos DamageDaggers(0.37%) Rune Dagger(0.37%)
1Adds (6–8) to (13–15) Cold DamageClaws(1.96%) Daggers(1.47%) Wands(1.96%) Sceptres(1.96%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
31Adds (14–18) to (27–32) Cold DamageClaws(1.96%) Daggers(1.47%) Wands(1.96%) Sceptres(1.96%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
84Adds (17–23) to (24–40) Cold DamageClaws(0.49%) Daggers(0.37%) Wands(0.49%) Sceptres(0.49%) Rune Dagger(0.37%)
1Adds (8–11) to (17–20) Cold DamageBows(1.53%) Staves(1.96%) Warstaff(1.96%)
31Adds (19–23) to (31–38) Cold DamageBows(1.53%) Staves(1.96%) Warstaff(1.96%)
84Adds (22–28) to (39–47) Cold DamageBows(0.38%) Staves(0.49%) Warstaff(0.49%)
1Adds (8–10) to (15–18) Fire DamageClaws(1.96%) Daggers(1.47%) Wands(1.96%) Sceptres(1.96%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
31Adds (17–22) to (33–39) Fire DamageClaws(1.96%) Daggers(1.47%) Wands(1.96%) Sceptres(1.96%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
84Adds (21–28) to (40–48) Fire DamageClaws(0.49%) Daggers(0.37%) Wands(0.49%) Sceptres(0.49%) Rune Dagger(0.37%)
1Adds (10–15) to (20–23) Fire DamageBows(1.53%) Staves(1.96%) Warstaff(1.96%)
31Adds (23–27) to (34–43) Fire DamageBows(1.53%) Staves(1.96%) Warstaff(1.96%)
84Adds (27–34) to (45–53) Fire DamageBows(0.38%) Staves(0.49%) Warstaff(0.49%)
1Adds (1–2) to (27–28) Lightning DamageClaws(1.96%) Daggers(1.47%) Wands(1.96%) Sceptres(1.96%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
31Adds (2–5) to (58–61) Lightning DamageClaws(1.96%) Daggers(1.47%) Wands(1.96%) Sceptres(1.96%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
84Adds (2–6) to (72–76) Lightning DamageClaws(0.49%) Daggers(0.37%) Wands(0.49%) Sceptres(0.49%) Rune Dagger(0.37%)
1Adds (2–3) to (30–34) Lightning DamageBows(1.53%) Staves(1.96%) Warstaff(1.96%)
31Adds (3–6) to (63–72) Lightning DamageBows(1.53%) Staves(1.96%) Warstaff(1.96%)
84Adds (4–8) to (89–92) Lightning DamageBows(0.38%) Staves(0.49%) Warstaff(0.49%)
1Adds 1 to 2 Physical DamageRings(0.88%) One Hand Swords(2.7%) One Hand Axes(2.7%) One Hand Maces(2.7%)
31Adds (3–4) to (5–7) Physical DamageRings(0.88%) One Hand Swords(2.7%) One Hand Axes(2.7%) One Hand Maces(2.7%)
84Adds (5–7) to (10–12) Physical DamageRings(0.22%) One Hand Swords(0.68%) One Hand Axes(0.68%) One Hand Maces(0.68%)
1Adds 1 to (2–3) Physical DamageBows(1.53%) Two Hand Swords(2.44%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%) Two Hand Maces(2.44%)
31Adds (4–5) to (6–8) Physical DamageBows(1.53%) Two Hand Swords(2.44%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%) Two Hand Maces(2.44%)
84Adds (8–9) to (11–13) Physical DamageBows(0.38%) Two Hand Swords(0.61%) Two Hand Axes(0.47%) Two Hand Maces(0.61%)
1+(4–5)% Chance to BlockShields(1.19%)
1(3–5)% increased Attack SpeedBows(1.53%)
1(5–7)% increased Attack SpeedClaws(1.96%) Daggers(1.47%) One Hand Swords(2.7%) Thrusting One Hand Swords(3.57%) One Hand Axes(2.7%) One Hand Maces(2.7%) Sceptres(1.96%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
70(5–7)% increased Attack SpeedStaves(1.96%) Two Hand Swords(2.44%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%) Two Hand Maces(2.44%) Warstaff(1.96%)
1(3–5)% increased Attack SpeedWands(1.96%)
1(12–15)% increased Cast SpeedStaves(1.96%) Sceptres(1.96%) Warstaff(1.96%)
1(14–18)% increased Critical Strike ChanceClaws(1.96%) Wands(1.96%) Thrusting One Hand Swords(3.57%)
1(14–18)% increased Critical Strike ChanceBows(1.53%) Staves(1.96%) Warstaff(1.96%)
1(14–18)% increased Critical Strike ChanceDaggers(1.47%) Sceptres(1.96%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
1(10–15)% increased Physical DamageBows(1.53%)
85(16–20)% increased Physical DamageBows(0.15%)
1(10–15)% increased Physical DamageOne Hand Swords(2.7%) One Hand Axes(2.7%) One Hand Maces(2.7%) Two Hand Swords(2.44%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%) Two Hand Maces(2.44%)
85(16–20)% increased Physical DamageOne Hand Swords(2.7%) One Hand Axes(2.7%) One Hand Maces(2.7%) Two Hand Swords(2.44%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%) Two Hand Maces(2.44%)
1(50–60)% increased Spell DamageDaggers(1.47%) Rune Dagger(1.47%)
1+(1–2) to Weapon rangeAmulets(0.86%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%)
40You cannot be MaimedJewel(2.5%)
40+(4–6) Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your AttacksRings(0.44%)
60+1 to Maximum Endurance ChargesBoots(1.14%)
60+1 to Maximum Frenzy ChargesGloves(1.25%)
60+1 to Maximum Power ChargesHelmets(1.14%)
60+1% to maximum Chance to Block Attack DamageShields(1.19%)
80+1% to all maximum ResistancesAmulets(0.86%) Body Armours(1.39%)
1Minions deal (4–5)% increased DamageJewel(2.5%)
1(8–10)% increased Movement SpeedAmulets(0.43%) Boots(0.57%)
1(4–5)% Chance to Block Spell DamageAmulets(0.86%) Shields(1.19%)
1Gain (8–12)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold DamageQuivers(1.48%)
1Gain (8–12)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire DamageQuivers(1.48%)
1Gain (8–12)% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning DamageQuivers(1.48%)
60(6–8)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold DamageShields(1.19%)
60(6–8)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire DamageShields(1.19%)
60(6–8)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning DamageShields(1.19%)
60(6–8)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos DamageShields(1.19%)
1Point BlankQuivers(1.48%)
56Grants Level 23 Purity of Fire SkillAmulets(0.86%)
56Grants Level 23 Purity of Ice SkillAmulets(0.86%)
56Grants Level 23 Purity of Lightning SkillAmulets(0.86%)
56Grants Level 21 Purity of Elements SkillAmulets(0.86%)
45(4–6)% reduced Chaos Damage takenBody Armours(1.39%)
45(4–6)% reduced Cold Damage takenBody Armours(1.39%)
20(4–6)% reduced Area Damage taken from HitsShields(1.19%)
20(4–6)% reduced Damage taken from ProjectilesShields(1.19%)
45(4–6)% reduced Fire Damage takenBody Armours(1.39%)
45(4–6)% reduced Lightning Damage takenBody Armours(1.39%)
20You take 50% reduced Extra Damage from Critical StrikesBody Armours(1.39%)
20You take (20–30)% reduced Extra Damage from Critical StrikesShields(1.19%)
11% reduced Mana ReservedJewel(2.5%)
60Regenerate 100 Life per second while movingBoots(1.14%)
40Resolute TechniqueOne Hand Swords(2.7%) Thrusting One Hand Swords(3.57%) Two Hand Swords(2.44%)
60You cannot be Cursed with SilenceJewel(2.5%)
1Socketed Skill Gems get a 90% Mana MultiplierHelmets(1.14%)
1Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Additional AccuracyAmulets(0.86%) Two Hand Swords(2.44%)
1Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 BlindBows(1.53%)
1Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 1 Blood MagicAmulets(0.86%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%)
1Socketed Gems are supported by Level 10 Faster ProjectilesBows(1.53%)
1Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 FortifyTwo Hand Swords(2.44%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%) Two Hand Maces(2.44%)
1Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Life Gain On HitAmulets(0.86%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%)
1Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 OnslaughtBows(1.53%) Two Hand Swords(2.44%) Two Hand Axes(1.89%) Two Hand Maces(2.44%)
1Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 InspirationTwo Hand Axes(1.89%) Two Hand Maces(2.44%)
1(20–24)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack SkillsAmulets(0.86%)
45Grants Level 21 Wrath SkillRings(0.44%)
20+2 to Level of Socketed Duration GemsGloves(1.25%) Boots(1.14%) Body Armours(1.39%) Helmets(1.14%) Shields(1.19%)
20+2 to Level of Socketed AoE GemsGloves(1.25%) Boots(1.14%) Body Armours(1.39%) Helmets(1.14%) Shields(1.19%)
20+2 to Level of Socketed Aura GemsGloves(1.25%) Boots(1.14%) Body Armours(1.39%) Helmets(1.14%) Shields(1.19%)
20+2 to Level of Socketed Curse GemsGloves(1.25%) Boots(1.14%) Body Armours(1.39%) Helmets(1.14%) Shields(1.19%)
20+2 to Level of Socketed Trap or Mine GemsGloves(1.25%) Boots(1.14%) Body Armours(1.39%) Helmets(1.14%) Shields(1.19%)
20+2 to Level of Socketed Warcry GemsGloves(1.25%) Boots(1.14%) Body Armours(1.39%) Helmets(1.14%) Shields(1.19%)
20+2 to Level of Socketed Projectile GemsGloves(1.25%) Boots(1.14%) Body Armours(1.39%) Helmets(1.14%) Shields(1.19%)
1(4–6)% increased maximum LifeGloves(1.25%) Boots(1.14%) Body Armours(1.39%) Helmets(1.14%) Shields(1.19%)
1(4–6)% increased maximum Energy ShieldGloves(1.25%) Boots(1.14%) Body Armours(1.39%) Helmets(1.14%) Shields(1.19%)
60(20–30)% increased Rarity of Items foundAmulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
84(3–5)% increased Quantity of Items foundAmulets(0.17%) Rings(0.18%) Belts(0.22%)
45Wrath has (15–20)% increased Aura EffectAmulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
45Anger has (15–20)% increased Aura EffectAmulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
45Hatred has (15–20)% increased Aura EffectAmulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
45Determination has (15–20)% increased Aura EffectAmulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
45Discipline has (15–20)% increased Aura EffectAmulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
45Grace has (15–20)% increased Aura EffectAmulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
45Malevolence has (15–20)% increased Aura EffectAmulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
45Zealotry has (15–20)% increased Aura EffectAmulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
45Pride has (15–20)% increased Aura EffectAmulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
1(4–6)% increased Intelligence
  (4–6)% increased Dexterity
Amulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
1(4–6)% increased Dexterity
  (4–6)% increased Strength
Amulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
1(4–6)% increased Strength
  (4–6)% increased Intelligence
Amulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
1+(14–16)% to all Elemental ResistancesAmulets(0.86%) Rings(0.88%) Belts(1.08%)
33Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on youAbyss Jewel(2.5%)
40You cannot be HinderedAbyss Jewel(2.5%)
1(5–7)% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments on EnemiesAbyss Jewel(2.5%)
1(4–5)% increased Area of EffectAbyss Jewel(2.5%)
1(8–10)% increased Global Critical Strike ChanceAbyss Jewel(2.5%)
1(4–5)% increased DamageAbyss Jewel(2.5%)
40You cannot be MaimedAbyss Jewel(2.5%)
1Minions deal (4–5)% increased DamageAbyss Jewel(2.5%)
11% reduced Mana ReservedAbyss Jewel(2.5%)
60You cannot be Cursed with SilenceAbyss Jewel(2.5%)


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