Searching Eye Jewel is an abyss jewel base type. It is known as the "ranged" abyss jewel as it internally has a focus on modifiers related to ranged skills.



+# to maximum Lifelife

+# to maximum Manamana

#% increased Damage over Time while Dual Wielding

#% increased Damage over Time while wielding a Two Handed Weapon

#% increased Damage over Time while holding a Shield

Adds # to # Physical Damage to Wand Attacks
Adds # to # Physical Damage to Bow Attacks

Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Wand Attacks
Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Bow Attacks

Adds # to # Fire Damage to Wand Attacks
Adds # to # Fire Damage to Bow Attacks

Adds # to # Cold Damage to Wand Attacks
Adds # to # Cold Damage to Bow Attacks

Regenerate # Energy Shield per seconddefences

Regenerate # Life per secondflat_life_regen,life

Regenerate # Mana per secondmana

+# to Armourdefences

+# to Evasion Ratingdefences

+# to maximum Energy Shielddefences



#% increased Effect of Chillcold

#% increased Effect of Shocklightning

+# to Strength

+# to Dexterity

+# to Intelligence

+# to Strength and Dexterity

+# to Strength and Intelligence

+# to Dexterity and Intelligence

+# to all Attributes

+#% to Fire Resistancefire

+#% to Cold Resistancecold

+#% to Lightning Resistancelightning

+#% to Fire and Cold Resistancesfire,cold

+#% to Fire and Lightning Resistancesfire,lightning

+#% to Cold and Lightning Resistancescold,lightning

+#% to all Elemental Resistanceselemental

+#% to Chaos Resistancechaos

#% increased Attack Speedattack,speed

#% increased Global Critical Strike Chanceattack

+#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier

Adds # to # Fire Damage to Attacksfire,attack

Adds # to # Cold Damage to Attackscold,attack

Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Attackslightning,attack

Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacksphysical,attack

Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Attackschaos,attack

#% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacksattack,defences

#% increased Damage against Abyssal Monsters

#% additional Physical Damage Reduction against Abyssal Monstersphysical

#% chance to Avoid being Ignitedfire

#% chance to Avoid being Chilled
#% chance to Avoid being Frozen

#% chance to Avoid being Shockedlightning

#% chance to Avoid being Poisonedpoison

#% chance to avoid Bleedingbleed

#% chance to Avoid being Stunned

+# to Accuracy Ratingattack

#% Chance to Block Spell Damage if you were Damaged by a Hit Recentlydefences

#% additional Physical Damage Reduction if you weren't Damaged by a Hit Recentlyphysical

#% increased Movement Speed if you haven't taken Damage Recentlyspeed

#% increased Damage if you've Killed Recently

+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've Killed Recently

#% increased Armour if you haven't Killed Recentlydefences

#% increased Accuracy Rating if you haven't Killed Recentlyattack

Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistance if you haven't Killed Recentlyelemental

#% increased Evasion Rating while movingdefences

#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while movingmana

Regenerate #% of Life per second while movinglife

Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recentlyphysical,fire

#% increased Attack Speed if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recentlyattack,speed

#% increased Cast Speed if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recentlycaster,speed

#% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't dealt a Critical Strike Recently

#% chance to Dodge Attack and Spell Hits if you've
been Hit Recently

#% increased Movement Speed if you've Killed Recentlyspeed

#% Chance to Block Attack Damage if you were Damaged by a Hit Recentlydefences

#% chance to gain Onslaught for # seconds on Killattack,caster,speed

#% chance to gain Phasing for # seconds on Kill

Delve Prefix


Damage Penetrates #% Fire Resistancefire

Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistancecold

Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistancelightning

#% reduced Physical Damage taken over timephysical

Regenerate #% of Life per secondlife

#% increased Global Defencesdefences

Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistanceselemental

Minions deal #% increased Damageminion

Delve Suffix


#% increased Chaos Damagechaos

+# to Armour if you've Hit an Enemy Recentlydefences

+# to Evasion Rating if Hit an Enemy Recentlydefences

Regenerate #% of Energy Shield per second if you've Hit an Enemy  Recentlydefences

#% increased Damage with Ailmentspoison,bleed

#% chance to Avoid interruption from Stuns while Castingcaster

#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Lifelife,attack

#% of Damage taken gained as Mana over # seconds when Hitmana

#% chance to gain Onslaught when you use a Flaskspeed

#% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill

Vaal Orb /10

33Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted  on you
40You cannot be Hindered
1#% increased Effect of non-Damaging  Ailments on Enemies
1#% increased Area of Effect
1#% increased Global Critical Strike  Chance
1#% increased Damage
40You cannot be Maimed
1Minions deal #% increased Damageminion
1#% reduced Mana Reservedmana
60You cannot be Cursed with Silence


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