Tier 1 Primal Seeds

Primal Rhoa Seed

Reveals a random Defence modifier crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a {Defence} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Defence} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Defence} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Defence} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Defence} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Defence} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Defence} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Defence} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Defence} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Defence} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Defence} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Defence} modifier

  • {Reforge} a rare item with new random modifiers, including a {Defence} modifier. {Defence} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Defence} modifier with Lucky values

Primal Dustspitter Seed

Reveals a random Lightning modifier crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a {Lightning} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Lightning} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Lightning} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Lightning} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Lightning} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Lightning} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Lightning} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Lightning} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Lightning} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Lightning} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Lightning} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Lightning} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Lightning} modifier. {Lightning} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Lightning} modifier with Lucky values

Primal Feasting Horror Seed

Reveals a random Socket link crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} the links between sockets on an item, linking {three sockets}

  • {Reforge} the links between sockets on an item, linking {four sockets}

  • {Reforge} the links between sockets on an item, linking {five sockets}

  • {Reforge} the links between sockets on an item, linking {six sockets}

Primal Maw Seed

Reveals a random Chaos modifier crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a {Chaos} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Chaos} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Chaos} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Chaos} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Chaos} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Chaos} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Chaos} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Chaos} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Chaos} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Chaos} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Chaos} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Chaos} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Chaos} modifier. {Chaos} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Chaos} modifier with Lucky values

Primal Cleaveling Seed

Reveals a random Unique Item transformation effect when Harvested

  • {Change} a {Unique} item into another random Unique item

  • {Change} a {Unique} into a random Unique Weapon

  • {Change} a {Unique} into a random Unique Armour

  • {Change} a {Unique} into a random Unique Ring, Amulet or Belt

  • {Change} a {Unique Weapon} into another Unique Weapon of that weapon type

  • {Change} a {Unique Armour} into another Unique Armour of that type

  • {Change} a {Unique Ring, Amulet} or {Belt} into another Unique item of that type

  • {Change} a {Unique Jewel} into another Unique Jewel

Tier 2 Primal Seeds

Primal Rhex Grain

Allows you to sacrifice Divination Cards to create Divination Cards when Harvested

  • {Change} a {Divination Card} into another random Divination Card

  • {Sacrifice} up to half a stack of {Divination Cards} to receive between 0 and twice that amount of the same Card

  • {Sacrifice} a stack of {Divination Cards} for that many different Divination Cards

Primal Dustcrab Grain

Allows you to exchange certain Map Fragments for another of the same type when Harvested

  • {Change} a {Sacrifice} or {Mortal Fragment} into another random Fragment of that type

  • {Change} a {Shaper Fragment} into another random Shaper Fragment

  • {Change} an {Elder Fragment} into another random Elder Fragment of that type

Primal Viper Grain

Reveals a random Critical modifier crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a {Critical} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Critical} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Critical} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Critical} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Critical} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Critical} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Critical} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Critical} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Critical} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Critical} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Critical} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Critical} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Critical} modifier. {Critical} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Critical} modifier with lucky values

Primal Chimeral Grain

Reveals a random crafting effect that upgrades a Normal or Magic item's Rarity when Harvested

  • {Upgrade} a {Magic item} to a Rare item, adding {two} random modifiers

  • {Upgrade} a {Magic item} to a Rare item, adding {three} random modifiers

  • {Upgrade} a {Magic item} to a Rare item, adding {four} random modifiers

  • {Upgrade} a {Normal item} to a Magic item, adding {one} random {high-tier} modifier

  • {Upgrade} a {Normal item} to a Magic item, adding {two} random {high-tier} modifiers

  • {Upgrade} a {Magic item} to a Rare item, adding {two} random {high-tier} modifiers

  • {Upgrade} a {Magic item} to a Rare item, adding {three} random {high-tier} modifiers

  • {Upgrade} a {Magic item} to a Rare item, adding {four} random {high-tier} modifiers

Primal Scrabbler Grain

Allows you to modify an item, resulting in Lucky modifier values when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a Rare item with Lucky modifier values, keeping all {Prefixes}

  • {Reforge} a Rare item with Lucky modifier values, keeping all {Suffixes}

  • {Reroll} the values of Prefix, Suffix and Implicit modifiers on a Rare item, with Lucky modifier values

  • {Augment} a Rare item with a new modifier, with Lucky modifier values

  • {Reroll} the values of {Prefix} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item, with Lucky modifier values

  • {Reroll} the values of {Suffix} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item, with Lucky modifier values

Tier 3 Primal Seeds

Primal Rhex Matriarch Bulb

Allows you to exchange Splinters, Breachstones or Emblems for others of the same type when Harvested

  • {Change} a {Pale Court Key} into another random Pale Court Key

  • {Change} a stack of {Breach Splinters} or a {Breachstone} into Splinters or a Breachstone of another type

  • {Change} a stack of {Timeless Splinters} or a {Timeless Emblem} into Splinters or an Emblem of another type

Primal Crushclaw Bulb

Allows you to exchange a Unique, Bestiary or Harbinger item for a related item when Harvested

  • {Change} a {Unique Item} into Perandus Coins. Rarer Unique Items are worth more Perandus Coins

  • {Change} a {Unique Bestiary} item or item with an Aspect into Lures of the same beast family

  • {Change} a {Harbinger Unique} or {Unique Piece} into a random Beachhead Map

Primal Blisterlord Bulb

Allows you to add a random Atlas Influence to a certain type of non-Influenced item when Harvested

  • Add a random {Influence} to a Normal, Magic or Rare {Weapon} that isn't influenced

  • Add a random {Influence} to Normal, Magic or Rare {Armour} that isn't influenced

  • Add a random {Influence} to Normal, Magic or Rare {Jewellery} that isn't influenced

Primal Cystcaller Bulb

Reveals a random Body Armour Enchantment that replaces Quality's effect when Harvested

  • {Enchant Body Armour}. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Maximum Life per 2% quality

  • {Enchant Body Armour}. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Maximum Mana per 2% quality

  • {Enchant Body Armour}. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Strength per 2% quality

  • {Enchant Body Armour}. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Dexterity per 2% quality

  • {Enchant Body Armour}. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants +1 Intelligence per 2% quality

  • {Enchant Body Armour}. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants 1% Fire Resistance per 2% quality

  • {Enchant Body Armour}. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants 1% Cold Resistance per 2% quality

  • {Enchant Body Armour}. Quality does not increase its Defences, grants 1% Lightning Resistance per 2% quality

Primal Reborn Bulb

Doubles the Lifeforce granted by other seeds. This effect is limited to one per harvest when Harvested

Tier 4 Primal Seeds

Primal Blisterfruit

Reveals a random crafting effect for Influenced items when Harvested

  • {Remove} a random {non-Influence} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Influence} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Influence} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Influence} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Influence} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Influence} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Influence} modifier

  • {Reforge} a Rare item with new random modifiers, including an {Influence} modifier. {Influence} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Influence} modifier with Lucky values


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