Tier 1 Vivid Seeds

Vivid Arachnid Seed

Reveals a random Attack modifier crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including an {Attack} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including an {Attack} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Attack} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Attack} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Attack} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Attack} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Attack} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Attack} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Attack} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Attack} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Attack} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Attack} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including an {Attack} modifier. {Attack} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Attack} modifier with Lucky values

Vivid Weta Seed

Reveals a random Life modifier crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a {Life} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Life} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Life} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Life} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Life} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Life} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Life} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Life} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Life} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Life} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Life} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Life} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Life} modifier. {Life} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Life} modifier with Lucky values

Vivid Leech Seed

Reveals a random Socket number crafting effect when Harvested

  • Set an item to {three sockets}

  • Set an item to {four sockets}

  • Set an item to {five sockets}

  • Set an item to {six sockets}

Vivid Scorpion Seed

Reveals a random Cold modifier crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a {Cold} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Cold} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Cold} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Cold} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Cold} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Cold} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Cold} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Cold} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Cold} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Cold} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Cold} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Cold} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Cold} modifier. {Cold} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Cold} modifier with Lucky values

Vivid Thornweaver Seed

Reveals a random Speed modifier crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a {Speed} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Speed} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Speed} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Speed} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Speed} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Speed} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Speed} modifier

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Speed} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Speed} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Speed} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Speed} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Speed} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Speed} modifier. {Speed} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} an item with a new {Speed} modifier with Lucky values

Tier 2 Vivid Seeds

Vivid Razorleg Grain

Reveals a random Gem crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Change} a {Gem} into another Gem, carrying over experience and quality if possible

  • {Sacrifice} a {Corrupted Gem} to gain 20% of the gem's quality as Gemcutter's Prisms

  • {Sacrifice} a {Corrupted Gem} to gain 30% of the gem's quality as Gemcutter's Prisms

  • {Sacrifice} a {Corrupted Gem} to gain 40% of the gem's quality as Gemcutter's Prisms

  • {Sacrifice} a {Corrupted Gem} to gain 50% of the gem's quality as Gemcutter's Prisms

  • {Sacrifice} a {Corrupted Gem} to gain 20% of the gem's total experience stored as a Facetor's Lens

  • {Sacrifice} a {Corrupted Gem} to gain 30% of the gem's total experience stored as a Facetor's Lens

  • {Sacrifice} a {Corrupted Gem} to gain 40% of the gem's total experience stored as a Facetor's Lens

  • {Sacrifice} a {Corrupted Gem} to gain 50% of the gem's total experience stored as a Facetor's Lens

  • Attempt to {Awaken} a {level 20 Support Gem} that can be Awakened with a 5% chance. If it does not Awaken, it is destroyed.

Vivid Sapsucker Grain

Allows you to change a Map into other Maps when Harvested

  • {Change} a {Map} into another of the same tier, prioritising Maps that you have not yet completed

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map} for multiple Maps one tier lower

  • {Sacrifice} a {Corrupted Map}. Create a new Corrupted Map of the same tier and rarity.

Vivid Parasite Grain

Allows you to add an Implicit modifier to certain Jewel types when Harvested

  • Set a new {Implicit} modifier on a {Cobalt, Crimson, Viridian} or {Prismatic Jewel}

  • Set a new {Implicit} modifier on an {Abyss Jewel} or {Timeless Jewel}

  • Set a new {Implicit} modifier on a {Cluster Jewel}

Vivid Striketail Grain

Reveals a random Flask Enchantment that depletes as it is used when Harvested

  • {Enchant} a {Flask} with a modifier that increases its Duration. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use

  • {Enchant} a {Flask} with a modifier that increases its Effect. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use

  • {Enchant} a {Flask} with a modifier that increases its Maximum Charges. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use

  • {Enchant} a {Flask} with a modifier that reduces its Charges used. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use

Vivid Nestback Grain

Reveals a random Map Enchantment when Harvested

  • {Enchant} a non-Unique {Map} with "Has an additional modifier from Zana's crafting bench at random"

  • {Enchant} a non-Unique {Map} with "Map doesn't consume Sextant charges"

  • {Enchant} a non-Unique {Map} with "Map has a Vaal Side Area"

  • {Enchant} a non-Unique {Map} with "Map boss is surrounded by Tormented Spirits"

Tier 3 Vivid Seeds

Vivid Whipleg Bulb

Reveals a currency item exchange, trading ten of a certain type of currency for other currency items when Harvested

  • {Exchange} 10 {Chaos Orbs} for an Exalted Orb

  • {Exchange} 10 {Orbs of Transmutation} for 10 Orbs of Alchemy

  • {Exchange} 10 {Blessed Orbs} for 20 Orbs of Alteration

  • {Exchange} 10 {Orbs of Alchemy} for 20 Cartographer's Chisels

  • {Exchange} 10 {Chromatic Orbs} for 20 Gemcutter's Prisms

  • {Exchange} 10 {Jeweller's Orbs} for 20 Orbs of Fusing

  • {Exchange} 10 {Orbs of Augmentation} for 10 Regal Orbs

  • {Exchange} 10 {Scrolls of Wisdom} for 20 Orbs of Chance

  • {Exchange} 10 {Simple Sextants} for 10 Prime Sextants

  • {Exchange} 10 {Prime Sextants} for 10 Awakened Sextants

  • {Exchange} 10 {Orbs of Scouring} for 10 Orbs of Annulment

  • {Exchange} 10 {Orbs of Alteration} for 10 Chaos Orbs

  • {Exchange} 10 {Vaal Orbs} for 20 Orbs of Regret

  • {Exchange} 10 {Cartographer's Chisels} for 10 Vaal Orbs

Vivid Watcher Bulb

Allows you to enhance specialised Currency a certain way when Harvested

  • {Upgrade} the tier of an {Essence}

  • {Exchange} a {Resonator} for a Fossil or vice versa. Rare outcomes are more likely with rare inputs

  • {Upgrade} an {Oil} into an Oil one tier higher

  • {Upgrade} an {Engineer's Orb} to an Infused Engineer's Orb

Vivid Vulture Bulb

Allows you to modify a Scarab a certain way when Harvested

  • {Change} a {Scarab} to another Scarab of the same rarity

  • Attempt to {upgrade} a {Scarab}, with a chance for it to become Winged

  • {Split} a {Scarab} into two Scarabs of lower rarity

Vivid Abberarach Bulb   

Allows you to upgrade an Offering to the Goddess when Harvested

  • {Change} an {Offering to the Goddess} into a Tribute to the Goddess

  • {Change} an {Offering to the Goddess} into a Gift to the Goddess

  • {Change} an {Offering to the Goddess} into a Dedication to the Goddess

Vivid Devourer Bulb

Adds 10 random Wild and Primal harvest outcomes. This effect is limited to one per harvest when Harvested

Tier 4 Vivid Seeds

Vivid Scalefruit

Allows you to give an item a Synthesised implicit modifier when Harvested

  • {Synthesise} an item, giving random Synthesised implicits. Cannot be used on Unique, Influenced, Synthesised or Fractured items


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