Path of Exile 2 Cartographer's Chisel

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Cartographer's Chisel [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]

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About Cartographer's Chisel

Cartographer's ChiselStack Size: 20Improves the quality of a mapRight click this item then left click a map to apply it. Has greater effect on lower rarity maps. The maximum quality is 20%.
Shift click to unstack.

Effect: a currency item that is used to improve the quality of a map. 


  • Found starting at item level 50, and found in Artisan's Strongboxes.

  • Zana, Master Cartographer will also sell 20 Cartographer's Chisels in exchange for 12 Chaos Orbs once daily.

  • Sell any map with 20% quality or any number of maps whose total quality is at least 40% to any vendor for a Cartographer's Chisel.

Obtained by using the following vendor recipe:

Result RecipesNotes
1×Cartographer's Chisel1×Stone Hammer/Rock Breaker /Gavel with 20% quality 1×Any Mapnormal, magic or rare.

Item acquisition

Upgrade paths

AmountIngredientGeneral Notes
1The Cartographer10x Cartographer's Chisel
5The Master Artisa  20x quality currency (random)
5Emperor's Luck 5x currency (random)

Usage in upgrade paths

Outcome AmountIngredient
Unshaping Orb20Cartographer's Chisel
5Orb of Regret


Quality Increase by Rarity

Item Rarity% Increase
Normal 5
Magic 2
Unique 2

It is advisable to only spend Cartographer's Chisels on higher level maps, as the more item quantity on a low level map translates to negligible gains. Furthermore, since Chisels are relatively uncommon, it is usually recommended to only spend them on normal maps rather than magic or rare maps. Also, once a map is 20% it stays 20% even when scoured or changed in any other way.

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