Path of Exile 2 Debeon's Dirge, Despot Axe

Debeon's Dirge, Despot Axe [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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About Debeon's Dirge, Despot Axe
Debeon's Dirge
Despot AxeTwo Handed Axe
Quality: +20%
Physical Damage: 91.2–123.6
Elemental Damage: (310-350)–(460-500)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 11Requires Level 66, 140 Str, 86 DexAdds (310-350) to (460-500) Cold Damage
15% increased Movement Speed if you've used a Warcry Recently
150% increased Elemental Damage if you've used a Warcry Recently
Warcries Knock Enemies Back in an AreaA sharp and heavy beat,
discorded, out of tune,
when you hear it on the wind,
you know death will follow soon.
Despot AxeTwo Handed Axe
Quality: +20%
Physical Damage: 91.2–123.6
Elemental Damage: (310-350)–(460-500)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.30
Weapon Range: 11Requires Level 66, 140 Str, 86 DexAdds (310-350) to (460-500) Cold Damage
15% increased Movement Speed if you've used a Warcry Recently
150% increased Elemental Damage if you've used a Warcry Recently
Warcries Knock Enemies Back in an AreaA sharp and heavy beat,
discorded, out of tune,
when you hear it on the wind,
you know death will follow soon.