Path of Exile 2 Divination Distillate, Large Hybrid Flask

Divination Distillate, Large Hybrid Flask [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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About Divination Distillate, Large Hybrid Flask
Divination Distillate
Large Hybrid FlaskRecovers 140 Mana over 5.00 seconds
Recovers 510 Life over 5.00 seconds
Consumes 20 of 40 Charges on useRequires Level 30(40-60)% increased Rarity of Items found during Flask effect
(12-18)% increased Quantity of Items found during Flask effect
25% increased Light Radius during Flask effect
+50% to Elemental Resistances during Flask EffectKnowledge is fermented in pain and loss
Distilled with reflection
To quench the thirst of those
who dream of enlightenmentRight click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
Large Hybrid FlaskRecovers 140 Mana over 5.00 seconds
Recovers 510 Life over 5.00 seconds
Consumes 20 of 40 Charges on useRequires Level 30(40-60)% increased Rarity of Items found during Flask effect
(12-18)% increased Quantity of Items found during Flask effect
25% increased Light Radius during Flask effect
+50% to Elemental Resistances during Flask EffectKnowledge is fermented in pain and loss
Distilled with reflection
To quench the thirst of those
who dream of enlightenmentRight click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.