Path of Exile 2 Giantsbane, Bronze Gauntlets

Giantsbane, Bronze Gauntlets [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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About Giantsbane, Bronze Gauntlets
Bronze GauntletsQuality: +20%
Armour: (154-169)Requires Level 23, 36 StrAdds (3-6) to (10-12) Physical Damage to Attacks
+(30-40) to Strength
(80-100)% increased Armour
Iron GripThe monstrous men of yore used bows, they were just bigger.
Bronze GauntletsQuality: +20%
Armour: (154-169)Requires Level 23, 36 StrAdds (3-6) to (10-12) Physical Damage to Attacks
+(30-40) to Strength
(80-100)% increased Armour
Iron GripThe monstrous men of yore used bows, they were just bigger.