Path of Exile 2 Loreweave, Elegant Ringmail

Loreweave, Elegant Ringmail [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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About Loreweave, Elegant Ringmail
Elegant RingmailQuality: +20%
Armour: 452
Energy Shield: (122-164)Requires Level 64, 90 Str, 105 Int5% reduced Movement Speed (Hidden)Has 6 Sockets
Adds (4-10) to (14-36) Physical Damage to Attacks
+(8-24) to all Attributes
(20-60)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(15-50) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-60) to maximum Life
+(20-50) to maximum Mana
(6-30)% increased Rarity of Items found
(15-50)% increased Elemental Damage
Your Maximum Resistances are (76-80)%When it comes to finding a use for surplus,
a rich man has within himself
boundless creativity.
Elegant RingmailQuality: +20%
Armour: 452
Energy Shield: (122-164)Requires Level 64, 90 Str, 105 Int5% reduced Movement Speed (Hidden)Has 6 Sockets
Adds (4-10) to (14-36) Physical Damage to Attacks
+(8-24) to all Attributes
(20-60)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(15-50) to maximum Energy Shield
+(20-60) to maximum Life
+(20-50) to maximum Mana
(6-30)% increased Rarity of Items found
(15-50)% increased Elemental Damage
Your Maximum Resistances are (76-80)%When it comes to finding a use for surplus,
a rich man has within himself
boundless creativity.