Path of Exile 2 Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den Map

Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den Map [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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About Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den Map
Underground River MapMap Level: 76
Map Tier: 9
Guild Character: æ
Item Quantity: +150%
Item Rarity: +150%Unique Boss drops 4 additional Maps
(20-50)% more Magic Monsters
(20-50)% more Rare Monsters
25% more Monster Life
30% increased Monster DamageHowls and laughter
They hide in the day
They smell you, they watch you
They track their new preyTravel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Monster Level: 74
AtlasBase: Spiked Gloves
Boss: Winterfang
Storm Eye
Solus, Pack Alpha
Valuable cards: The Cursed King, The Wolf's Shadow
Boss note: The map contains two types of mobs. Firstly, wolves which Puncture inflicting a severe Bleed. Ensure you bring along a Bleed removal flask. Secondly, wolf cultists which deal use Caustic Arrow and Viper Strike to inflict chaos damage – these guys aren’t too frightening. Walking through this linear Den you will encounter two unique wolves which deal substantial elemental damage. Winterbite has a powerful Ice Nova and creates Frost Bombs on the ground. Storm Eye casts a Lightning Storm as well as using a strong Lightning Strike attack. Both of them can also Leap Slam.
At the end of the Den is a Cave which contains Winterbite, Storm Eye and Solus, the most powerful wolf of the three. Solus deals exclusively in Fire spells, dishing out very fast Flameblasts and multiple projectile Magma Orbs. Because the cave is small there isn’t really anywhere to hide. My recommendation is to keep moving, you may eventually be able to kite one of the wolves away from the others.