Path of Exile 2 Core Map

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About Core Map

Core MapMap Level: 81
Map Tier: 14
Guild Character: û
Black monstrous bridges cross oily rivers, leading nowhere. Nothing as it should be.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.

  • Monster Level: 80

  • AtlasBase: Crystal Belt

  • Boss: Eater of Souls

  • Valuable cards: The Aesthete, The Oath, The Surveyor

  • Boss note: The Depraved Trio of Maligaro, Shavronne and Doedre all maintain serious damage but have little health and should make for short work. Phase 1 Malachai avoid the "Die and be reborn" one-shot slam. In phase 2 avoid the teleport slam. The main difficulty of this boss comes from the small arena and ease to make a fatal mistake in a long fight. Absolutely manic with some map mods such as extra projectiles or double boss.

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