Path of Exile 2 Desert Spring Map

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About Desert Spring Map

Desert Spring MapMap Level: 79
Map Tier: 12
Guild Character: ç
As mirage becomes reality, hardship is briefly quenched.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.

  • Monster Level: 80

  • AtlasBase: Blue Pearl Amulet, Two-Toned Boots

  • Boss: Terror of the Infinite Drifts

  • Valuable cards: Imperial Legacy

  • Boss note: Tail Strike inflicts debuff causing you to create Caustic Clouds at your location, move around to remove the debuff. Burrows towards your location. Charged Tail Slam that can easily one shot. In Phase 2 boss gains new abilities. Quicksand in arena will slow your movement speed. Boss will become invulnerable and Sunder towards you from the centre of the arena while summoning poisonous scorpions. At low life boss will start diving around dealing significant Physical damage. Keep mobile when this is happening.

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