Path of Exile 2 Dig Map

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About Dig Map
Map Tier: 12
Guild Character: †A hollow echo of bygone times in a land where none lived long.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Monster Level: 81
AtlasBase: Marble Amulet, Spiked Gloves
Boss: Stalker of the Endless Dunes
Valuable cards: Buried Treasure, Gift of the Gemling Queen, The Ruthless Ceinture
Boss note: Variety of Physical attacks. Powerful Charged Dash inflicts Maim. Phase Run - invulnerable while phasing. At 2/3 life and 1/3 life summons Sand Goliaths (throw projectiles), Sand Warriors (melee attacks) and Kira who applies Bleed (also drops loot). Constantly summons Sandstorms/Tornadoes that deal large Physical DoT and occupy much of the arena. Keep moving to avoid these.