Path of Exile 2 Necropolis Map

Necropolis Map [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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About Necropolis Map
Map Tier: 7
Guild Character: °Even in death, we long to be close to one another.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Monster Level: 79
AtlasBase: Crystal Belt
Boss: Burtok, Conjurer of Bones
Valuable cards: The Summoner, The Wretched
Boss note: Throws three strong Physical projectiles. Summons Animated Weapons. Creates a circular frost wall around your character that prevents movement. Places Bonespire ground beneath your feet that inflicts a stackable, unremovable physical DoT. It is imperative you move out of this quickly. Always bring some form of movement skill (not Shield Charge) that allows you to escape the Frost Wall. Frost Wall + Bonespire ground equates to death.