Path of Exile 2 Primordial Pool Map

Primordial Pool Map [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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About Primordial Pool Map
Primordial Pool MapMap Level: 77
Map Tier: 10
Guild Character: ÂA dough of bad blood.
A yeast of ill will.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Map Tier: 10
Guild Character: ÂA dough of bad blood.
A yeast of ill will.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Monster Level: 78
AtlasBase: Two-Toned Boots
Boss: Nightmare's Omen
Valuable cards: The Inoculated
Boss note: Phase 2 Malachai without the hearts/adds and much more room to manoeuvre. Avoid standing on the Fire Traps. Move out of the AoE from his Mortar projectile. His most dangerous attacks are the channelled "You are being selfish" tentacles and telegraphed teleport slam which most likely will one-shot. It pays to stay closer to the boss so you can always see when these two abilities are coming.