Path of Exile 2 Ramparts Map

Ramparts Map [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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About Ramparts Map
Ramparts MapMap Level: 70
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: ÜA wall is the surest sign for raiders that there is something of value to take.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Map Tier: 3
Guild Character: ÜA wall is the surest sign for raiders that there is something of value to take.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Monster Level: 74
AtlasBase: Fingerless Silk Gloves
Boss: The Reaver
Valuable cards: Lucky Deck, The Carrion Crow, The Traitor
Boss note: Strong Physical Double Strike, Cleave and Leap Slam. Leap Slam leaves Burning Ground which does high amounts of Fire DoT.