Path of Exile 2 Summit Map

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About Summit Map

Summit MapMap Level: 81
Map Tier: 14
Guild Character: ù
We are swept ever upwards by our ambition, with no thought of what awaits us at the peak.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.

  • Monster Level: 79

  • AtlasBase: Opal Ring, Fingerless Silk Gloves

  • Boss: Mephod, the Earth Scorcher

  • Valuable cards: Mitts, The Ruthless Ceinture, The Wolverine

  • Boss note: Physical and Fire damage attacks and spells. Casts combo of Fireballs, fast Leap Slam. Periodically gains 'Abberaths Fury' buff gaining 80% reduced damage taken, more attack speed and more damage - in addition Abberath releases a continuous Fire Nova from his hooves. After taking damage will spawn four unique goatmen - two ranged and two melee which are relatively harmless. Casts a Meteor (small circle around boss) at target location which inflicts heavy Fire damage - move when he uses this skill. In phase 2 Aberrath channels a Firestorm (indicated by large circle around the boss) which spreads over approximately half the arena. Getting hit by several of these will spell death.

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