Path of Exile 2 The Vinktar Square Map

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About The Vinktar Square Map

The Vinktar Square
Courtyard Map
Map Level: 77
Map Tier: 6
Guild Character: ²
Item Quantity: (+100%-+150%)
Item Rarity: (+100%-+150%)
Monster Pack Size: (+30%-+50%)
Monster Level: 77
20% more Monster Life
Monsters cannot be Shocked
20% increased Monster Damage
+35% Monster Lightning Resistance
Monsters deal 35% extra Damage as Lightning
To the east,
it cannot be seen.
To the west,
it cannot be touched.
To the south,
it cannot be remembered.
And to the north,
it cannot be contained.
Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.

  • Monster Level: 75

  • AtlasBase: Fingerless Silk Gloves

  • Boss: Avatar of Thunder

  • Valuable cards: The Iron Bard

  • Boss note: Defeat the four mini-bosses (all have modest Lightning based abilities) located in each of the four corners. After they are all dead you will be able to face the Avatar of Thunder in his arena at the centre of the map. There are four boss phases and three add phases. During the boss phases, the Avatar will use a Physical Cyclone and a Physical/Lightning Earthquake. The Avatar will also charge up and then explode for massive Lightning AoE damage that always Shocks (but will most likely one-shot) - get out of the way when this happens. Three beams of light will also travel around the arena - these beams deal Lightning DoT and always Shock. In each of the add phases the Avatar will teleport out and summon one of his four guardians defeated previously. Each subsuquent add phase has an extra mini boss you have to kill (so one, then two, then three). Overall a long fight, but a large arena, so plenty of room to kite and avoid the dangerous boss abilities.

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