Path of Exile 2 Scroll of Wisdom

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Scroll of Wisdom [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]

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About Scroll of Wisdom

Scroll of WisdomStack Size: 40Identifies an itemRight click this item then left click an unidentified item to apply it.
Shift click to unstack.

Effect: a common currency item that can be used to identify magic, rare, or unique items and strongboxes.


1. Dropped from slain monsters, chests, and destructible containers (barrels, crates, pots, urns)

2. Obtained by stacking five Scroll Fragments or through the following vendor recipes:

1×Portal Scroll1×Scroll of Wisdom
1×Orb of Transmutation4×Scroll of Wisdom
1×Orb of Alteration4×Scroll of Wisdom
1×Armourer's Scrap2×Scroll of Wisdom
1×Blacksmith's Whetstone4×Scroll of Wisdom

Item acquisition

Upgrade paths

AmountIngredientGeneral Notes
5Scroll FragmentN/A
1Lasting Impressions15x Scroll of Wisdom
3The Scholar40x Scroll of Wisdom

Usage in upgrade paths

Book of Regression1Orb of Scouring
1Scroll of Wisdom


  • Given that one has enough Scrolls of Wisdom, identifying a rare item before selling it to a vendor is generally considered worthwhile for it increased currecy-fragment outcome.

  • For characters with a large amount of increased item rarity or who focus on killing bosses, it may be possible that the rate at which items drop that the player wishes to identify may exceed the rate at which Scrolls of Wisdom drop.

  • Vendors sell normal low-level armour, shields, and weapons for 1 Scroll of Wisdom each, where requirements are no greater than Level 6. Nessa, Yeena, and Clarissa sell low-level magic wands and normal beltsfor 2 Scrolls each, and normal flasks, rings, and Portal Scrolls for 3 Scrolls each. Masters also sell magic and rare items whose cost includes Scrolls of Wisdom.

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