Path of Exile 2 The Surrender, Ezomyte Tower Shield

The Surrender, Ezomyte Tower Shield [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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About The Surrender, Ezomyte Tower Shield
The Surrender
Ezomyte Tower ShieldQuality: +20%
Chance to Block: 30%
Armour: (1305-1513)Requires Level 64, 159 Str+(30-40) to maximum Life
3% reduced Movement Speed (Hidden)Grants Level 30 Reckoning Skill
(130-170)% increased Armour
+(65-80) to maximum Life
Recover 250 Life when you Block
+6% Chance to Block
+1500 Armour if you've Blocked RecentlyOur hearts cry out
but are silenced by our flesh
and so we give up our flesh.
Ezomyte Tower ShieldQuality: +20%
Chance to Block: 30%
Armour: (1305-1513)Requires Level 64, 159 Str+(30-40) to maximum Life
3% reduced Movement Speed (Hidden)Grants Level 30 Reckoning Skill
(130-170)% increased Armour
+(65-80) to maximum Life
Recover 250 Life when you Block
+6% Chance to Block
+1500 Armour if you've Blocked RecentlyOur hearts cry out
but are silenced by our flesh
and so we give up our flesh.