Path of Exile 2 Vaal Orb

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Vaal Orb [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]

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About Vaal Orb

Vaal OrbStack Size: 10Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictablyRight click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Corrupted items cannot be modified again.
Shift click to unstack.

Effect: a currency item that will corrupt an item, causing unpredictable and possibly powerful results.


1. Obtained from slain enemies or found in an Artisan's Strongbox.

2. Vendor recipe:

1× Vaal Orb7x Vaal skill gems                                     
1x Sacrifice Vaal Fragment

Item acquisition

Upgrade paths

AmountIngredientGeneral Notes
1The Corrupt1x Vaal Orb
3The Catalyst1x Vaal Orb
6The Inventor 10x Vaal Orb
5Emperor's Luck5x currency (random)

Usage in upgrade paths

OutcomeAmountIngredientIngredient NotesGeneral Notes
Powerlessness 1Cobalt Jewelany unique Cobalt Jewel
Random Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Corrupted Energy1Cobalt Jewelany unique Cobalt JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Hungry Abyss1Viridian Jewelany unique Viridian JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Chill of Corruption1Viridian Jewelany unique Viridian Jewel Random Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Self-Flagellation1Viridian Jewelany unique Viridian Jewel Random Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Atziri's Reign1Crimson Jewelany unique Crimson Jewel Random Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Sacrificial Harvest1Viridian Jewelany unique Viridian Jewel Random Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Fevered Mind1Cobalt Jewelany unique Cobalt JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Pacifism1Viridian Jewelany unique Viridian JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Vaal Sentencing1Cobalt Jewelany unique Cobalt JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Ancient Waystones1Crimson Jewelany unique Crimson JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Combustibles1Crimson Jewelany unique Crimson JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Malachai's Vision1Voll's VisionN/ARandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal Orb N/A
Weight of Sin1Viridian Jewelany unique Viridian JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal OrbN/A
Brittle Barrier1Cobalt Jewelany unique Cobalt JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal OrbN/A
Fragility1Crimson Jewelany unique Crimson JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal OrbN/A
Mutated Growth1Cobalt Jewelany unique Cobalt JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal OrbN/A
Blood Sacrifice1Crimson Jewelany unique Crimson JewelRandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal OrbN/A
Vaal Temple Map1Basilica MapN/ARandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal OrbN/A
Blood of Corruption1Tear of PurityN/ARandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal OrbN/A
Vaal Temple Map1Carcass MapN/AN/A
1Vaal OrbN/A
Vaal Temple Map1Lava Lake MapN/ARandom Vaal Outcome
1Vaal OrbN/A
Vaal Temple Map1Reef MapN/AN/A
1Vaal OrbN/A
Vaal Temple Map1Sunken City MapN/AN/A
11Vaal Orb

Functions of Vaal Orbs

Vaal Orbs always entail a risk: they can greatly improve an item but they can also change it for the worse. Only one of the effects listed for each type of item below may happen.


  • Change one or more sockets to white sockets. This has a 1/4 chance of occurring, with a 1/10 chance for each additional socket (1/40 for two, up to 1/400000 for 6 white sockets).

  • Reroll the item into a rare item with randomized sockets, links and six random affixes. 

  • Change the implicit to a special Vaal Implicit, or adds a Vaal implicit if the item has no implicit by default.

  • Transforms certain unique items into a different unique item.

  • This event can most likely even occur when the equipment has no sockets and will have the identical phenotype to "no effect".

  • No effect (other than adding the corrupted property).


  • No effect (other than adding the corrupted property).

  • Reroll the map into a rare item with exactly eight random affixes, retaining the map base.

  • Unidentify the item, retaining its affixes and quantity bonus. Unidentified magic or rare maps receive a 30% bonus quantity.

  • when a tier 15 map gains a tier, it has about a 50% chance to become a level 83 Vaal Temple Map (i.e. about 1/16 chance in total).

  • When a Shaped or Elder Map gains a tier, it will become a Shaped or Elder (respectively) Map base of one tier higher, even if that map isn't unlocked on the player's Atlas.

  • When a map is rerolled this way, it has about a 50% chance to have its map tier increased by one and consequently its map base changed to a suitable map (picked from the same atlas quadrant).


  • No effect (other than adding the corrupted property).

  • Add or subtract one level. 

  • Add or subtract 1-10 quality. Gems can have up to 23% quality this way.

  • Change the gem to its corresponding Vaal Gem.


  • No effect (other than adding the corrupted property).

  • Add a special Vaal implicit mod.

  • Turn it into a rare or a Vaal-exclusive unique jewel with the same base item.

  • When using Vaal Orbs on a Strongbox some or all of the items within the Strongbox will become corrupted. Note that unidentified items cannot be corrupted.


Flasks cannot be corrupted.


Dream Enrichmen Corrupt a map into a Vaal Temple map.
Full Spectrum Corrupt an item to have a white socket.
Identity CorruptionCorrupt an item to have a new implicit mod.
Hostile Territory Corrupt a map to have eight mods.
Virtue Corruption Corrupt a skill gem into a Vaal skill gem.
Imperfections Corrupt a Unique Jewel into a different Unique Jewel

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