Path of Exile 2 Call of the Brotherhood Topaz Ring

Call of the Brotherhood Topaz Ring [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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$0 $0

About Call of the Brotherhood Topaz Ring
Call of the Brotherhood
Topaz RingRing
Requires: Level 32+(20–30)% to Lightning Resistance+(10–20) to Intelligence
(25–35)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
(20–30)% increased Freeze Buildup
100% of Lightning Damage Converted to Cold DamageForged by three brothers
so that they may recognize each other
across any distance of time or travel.
Topaz RingRing
Requires: Level 32+(20–30)% to Lightning Resistance+(10–20) to Intelligence
(25–35)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
(20–30)% increased Freeze Buildup
100% of Lightning Damage Converted to Cold DamageForged by three brothers
so that they may recognize each other
across any distance of time or travel.