Path of Exile 2 Gemcutter's Prism

Gemcutter's Prism [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
0 0 0 0
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About Gemcutter's Prism
Shift click to unstack.
Gemcutter's Prism
Effect:a rare item to improve the quality of a gem
1. Obtained from slain enemies or found in an Artisan's Strongbox.
2. Sell a gem with 20% quality to any vendor for a Gemcutter's Prism.
3. Sell any number of gems whose total quality is at least 40% to any vendor for a Gemcutter's Prism.
Item acquisition:
1. Gemcutter's Prism can also be obtained from the following vendor recipes:
Amount | Ingredient | General Notes |
7 | The Union | 10x Gemcutter's Pris |
3 | The Gemcutter | 1x Gemcutter's Prism |
5 | The Master Artisan | 20x quality currency (random) |
5 | Emperor's Luck | 20x quality currency (random) |
2. Other
Amount | Ingredient | General Notes |
20 | Alchemy Shard | N/A |
1 | The Alchemist(Bestiary) | 1x Orb of Alchemy |
3 | The Survivalist(Card) | 7x Orb of Alchemy |
Gemcutter's Prism, rare items, is not a good choice to apply them to gems that have little or no quality. However, selling one with a level 20 gem to any vendor will give you a 20% quality, level 1 version of that same gem. Because it is possible to level many gems at once, it is generally considered a cost-efficient method of obtaining 20% quality gems if the player does not have the means to obtain a mass of Gemcutter's Prisms.
Gemcutter's Prism are frequently used during higher levels, and the improve of the quality of skill gems always improve a skill's quality.
Both active and support skill gems may have quality. Every skill is affected by quality differently, but frequently it somehow improves the damage dealt with the skill. Buffs and curses, obviously, do not have their damage improved. Even those that do have their damage improved will see different rates of improvement for a given amount of quality.
The quality of skill gems may be improved with a Gemcutter's Prism. These upgrades always improve a skill's quality by 1%. Alternatively, a level 20 skill gem and a Gemcutter's Prismcan be sold for a level 1 gem with 20% quality.
It is possible to get a gem's quality above 20% through corruption and certain gear.
Animate Weapon
Minions have 2% increased Movement Speed
Arctic Armour
1% increased Skill Effect Duration
0.5% increased Projectile Damage
Bear Trap
1% increased Physical Damage
Blade Flurry
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Blade Vortex
0.5% increased Area of Effect
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Blast Rain
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Blink Arrow
1.5% increased Arrow Speed
Blood Rage
0.25% increased Attack Speed
Burning Arrow
3% increased Ignite Duration on enemies
Caustic Arrow
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Charged Dash
0.5% increased Attack Speed
1% increased Fire Damage
0.5% increased Area of Effect
1% increased Cast Speed
Detonate Dead
0.5% increased Cast Speed
Double Strike
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Dual Strike
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Elemental Hit
1% increased Elemental Damage
Ethereal Knives
1% increased Projectile Speed
Explosive Arrow
1% chance to Ignite enemies
Explosive Trap
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Fire Trap
1% increased Fire Damage
Flamethrower Trap
1% increased Fire Damage
Flicker Strike
1% increased Damage
Freeze Mine
0.5% increased Area of Effect
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Frost Blades
1% increased Projectile Damage
1% increased Area of Effect
1% increased Area of Effect
1% increased Area of Effect
Herald of Agony
1% increased Minion Movement Speed
Herald of Ice
0.75% increased Cold Damage
Ice Shot
1% increased Cold Damage
Ice Trap
0.5% increased Area of Effect
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Lancing Steel
1% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit
Lightning Arrow
0.5% chance to Shock enemies
Lightning Strike
1% increased Lightning Damage
Mirror Arrow
1.5% increased Arrow Speed
Phase Run
0.5% increased Movement Speed
Poacher's Mark
Cursed enemies have a 0.5% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge when slain
Projectile Weakness
Cursed enemies take 0.5% increased Damage from Projectile Hits
1% increased Skill Effect Duration
Purity of Ice
1% increased Area of Effect
Rain of Arrows
0.5% increased Area of Effect
0.5% increased Attack Speed
1% increased Damage
Scourge Arrow
1% increased Projectile Speed
Seismic Trap
1% increased Physical Damage
Shattering Steel
1% increased Impale Effect
Shrapnel Shot
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Siege Ballista
1% increased Totem Placement speed
Smoke Mine
1% increased Area of Effect
Spectral Shield Throw
1% increased Projectile Damage
Spectral Throw
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Split Arrow
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Summon Ice Golem
1% increased Minion Maximum Life
1% increased Minion Damage
Temporal Chains
Cursed Normal and Magic Enemies have 0.5% less Action Speed
Tornado Shot
1% increased Projectile Damage
Toxic Rain
0.5% increased Area of Effect
0.5% increased Cast Speed
Vaal Blade Vortex
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Burning Arrow
3% increased Ignite Duration on enemies
Vaal Cyclone
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Detonate Dead
1% increased Area Damage
Vaal Double Strike
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Vaal Grace
1% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Haste
1% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Impurity of Ice
1% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Lightning Strike
1% increased Lightning Damage
Vaal Rain of Arrows
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Reave
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Vaal Spectral Throw
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Viper Strike
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Volatile Dead
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Whirling Blades
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Wild Strike
1% increased Elemental Damage
0.5% chance to Shock enemies
Arctic Breath
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Armageddon Brand
0.5% increased Cast Speed
Assassin's Mark
Cursed enemies have a 0.5% chance to grant a Power Charge when slain
Ball Lightning
1% increased Lightning Damage
Applied Curses have 0.5% increased Effect
0.5% increased Area of Effect
0.5% increased Cast Speed
Bone Offering
0.5% increased Skill Effect Duration
Brand Recall
Brands gain 1% increased Attachment Range
1% increased Area of Effect
Cold Snap
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Shocks on Cursed enemies have 1% increased Duration
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Conversion Trap
1% increased Skill Effect Duration
1% increased Skill Effect Duration
1% increased Cooldown Recovery Speed
Dark Pact
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Cursed enemies take 0.5% increased Damage from Damage Over Time effects
0.5% increased Area of Effect
1% increased Area of Effect
Divine Ire
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Elemental Weakness
Cursed enemies have -0.25% to Elemental Resistances
Cursed enemies have 0.2% reduced Accuracy Rating
Cursed enemies have 0.5% reduced Critical Strike Chance
Essence Drain
1% increased Chaos Damage
Fire Nova Mine
1% increased Fire Damage
0.5% chance to Ignite enemies
1% increased Damage
Flame Dash
1% increased Cooldown Recovery Speed
Flame Surge
0.5% increased Cast Speed
1% increased Damage
Ignite on Cursed enemies has 0.5% increased Duration
Flesh Offering
0.5% increased Skill Effect Duration
Freezing Pulse
2% increased Projectile Speed
Frost Bomb
1% increased Cold Damage
Frost Wall
1% increased Skill Effect Duration
Freezes on Cursed enemies have 1% increased Duration
1% increased Cold Damage
Glacial Cascade
1% increased Damage
Herald of Thunder
0.75% increased Lightning Damage
Ice Nova
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Ice Spear
2% increased Projectile Speed
1% increased Fire Damage
Kinetic Blast
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Lightning Spire Trap
1% chance to Shock enemies
Lightning Tendrils
1% increased Lightning Damage
Lightning Trap
1% increased Lightning Damage
0.5% increased Effect of Shock
Lightning Warp
1% increased Cast Speed
Magma Orb
1% increased Damage
1% increased Area of Effect
Orb of Storms
1% increased Lightning Damage
Power Siphon
1% increased Damage
Purifying Flame
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Purity of Elements
1% increased Area of Effect
Purity of Lightning
1% increased Area of Effect
Raise Spectre
1% increased Minion Movement Speed
Raise Zombie
1% increased Minion Maximum Life
1% increased Minion Movement Speed
Righteous Fire
1% increased Spell Damage
Scorching Ray
0.5% increased beam length
Shock Nova
2% increased Shock Duration on enemies
Siphoning Trap
1% increased Effect of Chill
1% increased Chaos Damage
1% increased Projectile Speed
Spirit Offering
0.5% increased Skill Effect Duration
Storm Brand
0.5% increased Cast Speed
Storm Burst
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Storm Call
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Summon Chaos Golem
1% increased Minion Maximum Life
1% increased Minion Damage
Summon Holy Relic
Minions have 0.5% increased Area of Effect
Summon Lightning Golem
1% increased Minion Maximum Life
1% increased Minion Damage
Summon Raging Spirit
1% increased Minion Movement Speed
Summon Skeleton
Minions deal 1% increased Damage
Tempest Shield
1% increased Lightning Damage
Vaal Arc
1.5% increased Shock Duration on enemies
Vaal Blight
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Clarity
1% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Cold Snap
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Discipline
1% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Fireball
0.5% chance to Ignite enemies
Vaal Flameblast
1% increased Damage
Vaal Ice Nova
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Impurity of Lightning
1% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Lightning Trap
Shocked Ground causes 0.25% increased Damage taken
Vaal Power Siphon
1% increased Damage
Vaal Righteous Fire
1% increased Burning Damage
Vaal Spark
1% increased Projectile Speed
Vaal Storm Call
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Summon Skeletons
Minions deal 1% increased Damage
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Wave of Conviction
1% increased Elemental Damage
Winter Orb
0.5% increased Cast Speed
1% increased Skill Effect Duration
1% increased Area of Effect
1% increased Area of Effect
Detonate Mines
5% increased Cast Speed
3% increased Cast Speed
Vaal Breach
3% increased Cast Speed
Abyssal Cry
1% increased Skill Effect Duration
Ancestral Protector
1% increased Totem Damage
Ancestral Warchief
1% increased Totem Damage
1% increased Area of Effect
Animate Guardian
Minions have 2% increased Movement Speed
0.5% increased Attack Speed
Consecrated Path
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Decoy Totem
1% increased totem life
1% increased Area of Effect
Devouring Totem
1% increased totem life
Dominating Blow
Minions deal 0.5% increased Damage
Dread Banner
0.5% increased effect of Aura
1% increased Physical Damage
Enduring Cry
3% increased Area of Effect
Glacial Hammer
2% increased Chill Duration on enemies
1% increased Freeze Duration on enemies
Ground Slam
1.5% increased Stun Duration on enemies
Heavy Strike
1% increased Stun Duration on enemies
Herald of Ash
0.75% increased Fire Damage
Herald of Purity
1% increased Minion Movement Speed
Holy Flame Totem
1% increased Projectile Speed
Ice Crash
1% increased Cold Damage
Immortal Call
2% increased Cast Speed
Infernal Blow
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Leap Slam
0.5% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit
Molten Shell
1% chance to Ignite enemies
Molten Strike
1% increased Fire Damage
Cursed enemies grant 0.25% increased Attack Speed on Melee hit
Purity of Fire
1% increased Area of Effect
Rallying Cry
1.5% increased Skill Effect Duration
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Rejuvenation Totem
3% increased Aura Area of Effect
Searing Bond
1% increased totem life
Shield Charge
1% increased Damage
Shockwave Totem
1% increased totem life
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Static Strike
1% chance to Shock enemies
Summon Flame Golem
1% increased Minion Maximum Life
1% increased Minion Damage
Summon Stone Golem
1% increased Minion Maximum Life
1% increased Minion Damage
0.5% increased Area of Effect
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Tectonic Slam
0.5% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Ancestral Warchief
1% increased Totem Damage
Vaal Earthquake
1% increased Physical Damage
Vaal Glacial Hammer
2% increased Chill Duration on enemies
1% increased Freeze Duration on enemies
Vaal Ground Slam
1.5% increased Stun Duration on enemies
Vaal Impurity of Fire
1% increased Area of Effect
Vaal Molten Shell
1% chance to Ignite enemies
0.5% chance to Trigger this Skill when Hit
Vigilant Strike
1% increased Fortify duration
1% increased Area of Effect
Cursed Enemies have 0.5% chance to Bleed when Hit by Attacks
War Banner
0.5% increased effect of Aura
Warlord's Mark
Cursed enemies have a 0.5% chance to grant an Endurance Charge when slain
Support Skill Gems
Skill gem
Added Cold Damage Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Cold Damage
Additional Accuracy Support
Supported Skills have 1% increased Accuracy Rating
Advanced Traps Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Trap Damage
Blind Support
Supported Skills have 1% increased Blinding duration
Block Chance Reduction Support
Supported Skills have 0.25% reduced Enemy Block Chance
Cast On Critical Strike Support
Supported Skills have 1% increased Critical Strike Chance
Cast on Death Support
Supported Skills have 3% increased Area of Effect while Dead
Chain Support
Supported Skills have 1% increased Projectile Speed
Chance to Flee Support
Supported Skills have 1% chance to Cause Monsters to Flee
Charged Traps Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Trap Damage
Cluster Traps Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Trap Damage
Cold Penetration Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Cold Damage
Culling Strike Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Attack Speed
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Cast Speed
Deadly Ailments Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage over Time
Enhance Support
This Gem gains 5% increased Experience
Faster Attacks Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Attack Speed
Faster Projectiles Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Attack Speed
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Cast Speed
Fork Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Projectile Damage
Greater Multiple Projectiles Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Attack Speed
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Cast Speed
Hypothermia Support
Supported Skills have 1.5% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
Ice Bite Support
Supported Skills deal 1% increased Damage with Hits against Frozen Enemies
Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Attack Speed
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Cast Speed
Lesser Poison Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage with Poison
Mana Leech Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage while Leeching Mana
Mirage Archer Support
0.5% increased Attack Damage
Multiple Traps Support
Supported Skills have 1% increased Trap Trigger Area of Effect
Onslaught Support
0.25% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Pierce Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Projectile Damage
Point Blank Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Projectile Damage
Poison Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage with Poison
Slower Projectiles Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Projectile Damage
Swift Affliction Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage over Time
Trap and Mine Damage Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage
Trap Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Trap Throwing Speed
Vicious Projectiles Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Physical Damage
Vile Toxins Support
Supported Skills deal 1% increased Damage with Poison
Void Manipulation Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Chaos Damage
Volley Support
Supported Skills deal 1% increased Projectile Damage
Withering Touch Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Chaos Damage
Added Chaos Damage Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Chaos Damage
Added Lightning Damage Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Lightning Damage
Arcane Surge Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Spell Damage
Blasphemy Support
0.5% increased Effect of Supported Curses
Bonechill Support
Supported Skills have 1% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
Cast when Stunned Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage
Cast while Channelling Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage
Combustion Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Fire Damage
Concentrated Effect Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Area Damage
Controlled Destruction Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Spell Damage
Curse On Hit Support
0.5% increased Effect of Supported Curses
Decay Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Chaos Damage
Efficacy Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage over Time
Elemental Focus Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Elemental Damage
Elemental Proliferation Support
0.5% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies
Energy Leech Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage while Leeching Energy Shield
Enlighten Support
This Gem gains 5% increased Experience
Faster Casting Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Cast Speed
Ignite Proliferation Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Fire Damage
Immolate Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Fire Damage
Increased Area of Effect Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Area Damage
Increased Critical Damage Support
Supported Skills have +0.75% to Critical Strike Multiplier
Increased Critical Strikes Support
Supported Skills have 1% increased Critical Strike Chance
Infused Channelling Support
Gain Infusion after Channelling a Supported Skill for -0.02 seconds
Innervate Support
Supported Skills have 1.5% increased Shock Duration on Enemies
Intensify Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Area Damage
Item Rarity Support
0.5% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Enemies Slain from Supported Skills
Lightning Penetration Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Lightning Damage
Minefield Support
Supported Skills have 1% increased Mine Detonation Area of Effect
Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support
Totems and Minions summoned by Supported Skills have +0.5% Fire Resistance
Totems and Minions summoned by Supported Skills have +0.5% Cold Resistance
Totems and Minions summoned by Supported Skills have +0.5% Lightning Resistance
Minion Damage Support
Supported Skills deal 0.75% increased Minion Damage
Minion Life Support
Supported Skills have 0.75% increased Minion maximum Life
Minion Speed Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Minion Movement Speed
Physical to Lightning Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Physical Damage
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Lightning Damage
Power Charge On Critical Support
Supported Skills have 1% increased Critical Strike Chance
Remote Mine Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Mine Laying Speed
Spell Cascade Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Area of Effect
Spell Echo Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Spell Damage
Summon Phantasm on Kill Support
0.5% chance to Summon a Phantasm when Supported Skills, or Non-Phantasm Minions
from Supported Skills, deal a Killing Blow
Unbound Ailments Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
Unleash Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Spell Damage
Added Fire Damage Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Fire Damage
Ancestral Call Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Attack Speed
Blood Magic Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% reduced Mana Cost
Bloodlust Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Melee Damage against Bleeding Enemies
Brutality Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Physical Damage
Burning Damage Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Burning Damage
Cast on Melee Kill Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage
Cast when Damage Taken Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage
Chance to Bleed Support
Supported Attacks deal 0.5% increased Damage with Bleeding
Cold to Fire Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Cold Damage
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Fire Damage
Damage on Full Life Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage
Elemental Damage with Attacks Support
0.5% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
Empower Support
This Gem gains 5% increased Experience
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support
Supported Skills have 1% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
Fire Penetration Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Fire Damage
Fortify Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Fortify duration
Generosity Support
Supported Skills have 2% increased Aura Area of Effect
Increased Duration Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Skill Effect Duration
Iron Grip Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Projectile Damage
Iron Will Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Spell Damage
Knockback Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit
Less Duration Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% reduced Skill Effect Duration
Life Gain on Hit Support
+0.5 Life gained for each Enemy hit by Attacks from Supported Skills
Life Leech Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage while Leeching Life
Maim Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Physical Damage
Melee Physical Damage Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Melee Physical Damage
Melee Splash Support
Supported Skills have 0.5% increased Area of Effect
Multiple Totems Support
1% increased Totem Placement speed
Multistrike Support
Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Melee Physical Damage
Ranged Attack Totem Support
1% increased Totem Placement speed
Reduced Mana Support
Supported Skills have 0.25% reduced Mana Cost
Ruthless Support
0.5% increased Attack Damage
Spell Totem Support
1% increased Totem Placement speed
Stun Support
Supported Skills have 1.5% increased Stun Duration on Enemies