Path of Exile 2 Mist Whisper Makeshift Crossbow

Mist Whisper Makeshift Crossbow [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
0 0 0 0
0 0

About Mist Whisper Makeshift Crossbow
Mist Whisper
Makeshift CrossbowCrossbow
Physical Damage:6-10
Critical Hit Chance:5%
Attacks per Second:1.6
Reload Time: 0.8
Adds (8–10) to (13–15) Cold Damage
Gain 5 Mana per Enemy Killed
(30–50)% increased Freeze Buildup
30% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
Attacks Chain 2 additional timesSibilant promises surrounded them in the night.
All the travelers had to give him was their devotion...
Makeshift CrossbowCrossbow
Physical Damage:6-10
Critical Hit Chance:5%
Attacks per Second:1.6
Reload Time: 0.8
Adds (8–10) to (13–15) Cold Damage
Gain 5 Mana per Enemy Killed
(30–50)% increased Freeze Buildup
30% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
Attacks Chain 2 additional timesSibilant promises surrounded them in the night.
All the travelers had to give him was their devotion...