Path of Exile 2 Pillar of the Caged God Long Quarterstaff

Pillar of the Caged God Long Quarterstaff [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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About Pillar of the Caged God Long Quarterstaff
Pillar of the Caged God
Long QuarterstaffQuarterstaff
Physical Damage: 9-18
Critical Hit Chance: 10%
Attacks per Second:1.4
Weapon Range: 1.3
Requires: Level 4, 10 Dex16% increased Range2% increased Area of Effect for Attacks per 5 Intelligence
2% increased Attack Speed per 5 Dexterity
10% increased Weapon Damage per 5 StrengthForged to rule the waves and tide
Destined to serve the monkey's paw
Strong as a tower of iron
Deft as the needle doubt
Long QuarterstaffQuarterstaff
Physical Damage: 9-18
Critical Hit Chance: 10%
Attacks per Second:1.4
Weapon Range: 1.3
Requires: Level 4, 10 Dex16% increased Range2% increased Area of Effect for Attacks per 5 Intelligence
2% increased Attack Speed per 5 Dexterity
10% increased Weapon Damage per 5 StrengthForged to rule the waves and tide
Destined to serve the monkey's paw
Strong as a tower of iron
Deft as the needle doubt