PoE Marauder Avatar of Voidforge Cyclone Juggernaut
Skill Gems Setup
Blood and Sand
Ancestral Warchief 20
Cast when Damage Taken Support 1
Vaal Cyclone 20
You will have
3.7M burst dps to shaper/guardians/elder (2.7M without charges)
7.3K HP
30% increased Fortify effect.
77% max fire res, 76 max cold/light res.
7 endurance charges.
Cyclone Radius 40 with Pulverise, and 30 without it.
The basic concept of the build is using Avatar of Fire and the underrated Voidforge, with some damage conversion and tons of fire resistance reduction, dealing decent damage without investing in any crazy expensive shit.
And, at the same time, being a THICC JUGG.
Defensive Mechanics
With the new IC mechanic, the damage mitigation is huge for Juggernaut, it also mitigates elemental damage and dot damage.
IC can only consume up to 5 endurance charges for now, but this is actually good. With 7 maximum end.charges by default, you can have at least 2 end.charges all the time. This means CWDT+IC has basically no downside for Jugg.
And with the 2 end.charges, you can even consider it them as "8% all ele res" by default, which means less pressure to get res on items.
Plus, we have 7K+ HP.
Offensive Mechanics
So we're using Voidforge and Avatar of Fire.
Let me explain:
Why Voidforge?
Cause it's simply good and associates very well with added physical damage (from Abyssus, for example.
Why Avatar of Fire?
Due to Voidforge's "random" element damage, it is hard to benefit from elemental resistance reduction. So we basically convert most of our damage to Fire, and benefit from the huge amount of fire resistance reduction. To do this, Pyre is a must, Call of the Brotherhood is optional (not recommended), and the passive "Winter Spirit" is also optional (also not recommended).
What fire res reduction?
With level 1 CWDT, link in Wave of Conviction, and the Combustion Support, these gems alone can lower the enemy 44% fire res. And since we don't have any evade/dodge chance, it's almost guaranteed to trigger.
Also, we can get 15% fire penetration from The Wise Oak (you don't need to balance your res, just make your fire res the highest.)
What damage can the ascendancy provide?
First, Undeniable, which gives you tons of accuracy, with the mechanic changes of accuracy in 3.7, basically means "Enemies can't evade your attacks". Secondly, the AoE provided by Unyielding is also quite impressive, buffing up the damage indirectly.
What type of damage do we deal?
We deal pure fire damage, with crits.
You'll need
Undeniable for 100% hit chance
Unflinching for end.charges
Unyielding for THICC AoE
The last one is up to you. I'd prefer Unstoppable for movement speed and immunity to slows.
Alternative Items
Unique body armour (recommended)
Estimated cost: Around 1 Ex (with good roll, excluding 6L cost)
This is also just an example, all the rolls matters except for mana, ES and rarity.
But the most important one is 78% max res.
It can provide lots of damage with a decent roll. And this plus the helm I mentioned above is what you can do to make up with the damage loss for not using Abyssus.
Other unique body armour
Belly of the Beast, Full Wyrmscale,
Carcass Jack, Varnished Coat
Estimated cost: not worth mentioning.
Carcass Jack for even more AoE radius, the colors can be a little bit tricky tho(the AoE effect is now up to 50%).
Belly of the beast for lots of life, and the increased life flask effect also makes Blood of Karui even better.