PoE Marauder Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Berserker High DPS

PoE Marauder Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Berserker High DPS

This build is based around Oro's Sacrifice and is an extremely cheap and powerful starting build. We use Flicker Strike as our main skill to infinitely teleport around and decimate entire maps with god tier clear speed.

About This Build

On most builds using Flicker Strike as a main skill is difficult because it requires a Frenzy Charge to bypass the 2 second cooldown after you use it, but because of the stat 'Gain a Frenzy Charge if an Attack Ignites an Enemy' on Oro's Sacrifice

Oro's Sacrifice, Infernal Sword

and our 93% chance to ignite from gems(49%)/oro's(20%)/curse(14%)/passives(10%), we are able to continuously gain Frenzy Charges to infinitely Flicker Strike until everything around us is dead.



Passive Tree

You want to start out by rushing over to Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics. Grab all the nodes along the path to it, but be sure to skip all of the elemental damage nodes until level 67 when you can equip Oro's. After you get Phase Acrobatics, rush towards Elemental Overload just before you hit level 67 so you can benefit from the massive damage boost it gives. This is when you should start putting points into frenzy charges and the elemental nodes for a huge damage increase. If you're ever feeling like you need more survivability, just put more points into life nodes.


x2 Screaming Eagles (level 6) | Shiversting (level 14) | Edge of Madness (level 22) | Rigwald's Charge (level 44) | Terminus Est (level 51) | Oro's Sacrifice (level 67)


Pain Reaver -> Crave the Slaughter -> Rite of Ruin -> Aspect of Carnage


Oro's Sacrifice, Infernal Sword is the only true requirement for the build. It's cheap (1 alch), extremely powerful (800+ dps), and is the only weapon in the game that can reliably Flicker Strike infinitely.

The Wise Oak, Bismuth Flask is an absolute necessity for this build. The damage increase is way too big to ignore. The only problem with The Wise Oak is that you have to build your entire character around it. Because you need the damage penetration for fire, you need to make sure you always have your uncapped fire resistance higher than your other resists.