PoE Ranger Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder Easy Fast

PoE Ranger Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder Easy Fast

Nature's Reprisal solves many of the problems of the Scourge Arrow by by proliferating all our poisons to nearby enemies when they die, so we just need to shoot once, and everything around dies, including rares and leaves no strugglers behind


Nature's Reprisal solves many of the problems of the Scourge Arrow by by proliferating all our poisons to nearby enemies when they die, so we just need to shoot once, and everything around dies, including rares and leaves no strugglers behind

+ Great single target. The build can reach 5M single target DPS with Darkscorn (to calculate the DPS from PoB, add both Thorn Arrows and Release at 5 stages together and then multiply it by 1.385for Mirage Archer).

+ Pretty good clear speed (because of Nature's Reprisal poison proliferation and Scourge Arrowhitting whole screens)

+ Great Legion Monolith farmer thanks to poison proliferation (see Media section for example)

+ 200% increased movement speed

+ 7.8K Life

+ 23k+ Evasion

+ 86% melee avoid chance, 86% projectile avoid chance, 50% spell avoid chance, 88% stun avoid chance

+ 85% chaos resistance (thanks to Divine Flesh)

+ 20% additional elemental damage reduction (thanks to Divine Flesh)

+ 10% additional physical damage reduction (thanks to Divine Flesh and Darkscorn)

+ 40% additional chaos damage reduction (thanks to Divine Flesh)

8% less Chaos damage taken (thanks to Infused Channeling). This, together with Divine Flesh adds another 4% additional elemental damage reduction and 2% additional physical damage reduction

+ Permanent flask uptime (because of Nature's Boon)

+ Can do all map mods

+ Can do all content (except Hall of Grandmasters)

+ Best weapon is Darkscorn what is pretty common and cheap unique

+ Decent league starter, as it do not really requires anything to function, and can work just fine on Tabula

- Needs a lot of intelligence from gear

- Can run into mana issues without mana cost reduction rings

- Positive chaos resistance is mandatory to prevent Darkscorn from killing us (and capped resistance is needed for Divine Flesh) what makes gearing a bit annoying- Scourge Arrow playstyle takes some time getting used to



Get Nature's Reprisal first. Then get Master Toxicist and Nature's Adrenaline for some damage and finally get Nature's Boon from Uber Lab.

Leveling and gearing

So with this build, you will be mostly leveling with Toxic Rain as it is super smooth. After leveling, you can switch to Scourge Arrow (or switch sooner if you want to, but I would not really reccomend doing that).

  • At level 1 grab Caustic Arrow + Pierce + Lesser Poison. If you can, get also Vaal Blightnow.

  • At level 4 grab Mirage Archer and add it to main setup. Grab also Dash for movement and self-cast Steelskin for defense

  • At level 10 grab Precision aura and Blink Arrow

  • At level 12 replace Caustic Arrow with Toxic Rain

  • At level 16 grab Herald of Agony and Blood Rage. You will most likely not be able to sustain Blood Rage at this stage, so just start leveling it but do not use it.

  • At level 18 grab Deadly Ailments

  • At level 24 grab Malevolence aura if you have enough unreserved mana. If not, simply level Malevolence but do not use it (or use it instead of Precision). Also, if you can, get Vaal Haste(and drop Vaal Blight).

  • At level 28 you can replace Toxic Rain with Scourge Arrow if you want to, otherwise just keep using Toxic Rain until maps. If you decided to switch to SA, also grab Infused Channelingsupport now.

  • At level 31 add replace Lesser Poison with Added Chaos Damage

  • At level 38 you can grab Vile Toxins support. Also get Immortal Call, Increased Durationand Cast when Damage taken supports and replace your self-cast Steelskin setup with this, and make sure to link your Vaal gem to this setup too (for increased duration).

When you get to mapping, you can also grab Wither totem setup, but before that, it is not really necessary too.

For leveling with Toxic Rain, best item to grab is Quill Rain, because with it, Mirage Archer will basically clear everything for you. If you feel you are lacking damage while leveling, you can migrate to Death's Harp at level 33 and Death's Opus at level 44 (or some rare high pDPS bows, up to you):

Quill Rain, Short Bow,  Death's Harp, Death BowDeath's Opus, Death Bow

After you will be done with leveling, your core item setup will look something like this:

Darkscorn, Assassin BowThe Embalmer, Carnal MittsAtziri's Promise, Amethyst FlaskCoralito's Signature, Diamond Flask

Alternatively, these are great for speed mapping:

Shadows and Dust, Clasped Mitts, Dying Sun, Ruby Flask

After that, feel free to grab anything else you can (ideally tabula for 6 link in body).

Try to get Scourge Arrow creates an additional spore pod at Maximum Stages enchant on helmet as soon as possible, it makes the build feel a lot better (see Media section)

End-game optimization

For chest, you can aim for something like this (maim and -15 mana cost for socketed skills, and getting crit on top of that would be even better): Eagle Salvation Zodiac Leather

With chest like that you can dump mana reduction rings (well, one of them, and other one can be smaller roll), what will save you some affixes for either more damage or more life.

If you are struggling with hitting the boss with pods (and/or want more defense and life), you can get quiver like this: Rage Bolt Penetrating Arrow Quiver

To improve clear speed, you can get Embalmer's with Despair on hit corruption, the difference between everything being cursed with despair is very very noticeable (but you still want to keep frenzy + coh setup for bosses): The Embalmer, Carnal Mitts

If you can get Watcher's Eye with Unaffected by Bleeding while affected by Malevolence (or Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you corruption on jewel) you can replace life flask with Forbidden Taste: Forbidden Taste, Quartz Flask

For tree optimizations, if you can get enough Intelligence and Strength from gear, you can remove Primal Spirit from tree and instead either take more life or damage (so for example Lethality cluster) or extra jewel socket near Golem's Blood. For example I get all my stat requirements just from amulet and one ring: Plague Choker Lapis Amulet, Pandemonium Finger Topaz Ring