
No hunt is complete without the gutting and the skinning.

No hunt is complete without the gutting and the skinning.

The Raider focuses on maintaining buffs, gaining Frenzy Charges, Onslaught, or Phasing through kills. She can specialize in one of these buffs to enhance its effect, greatly boosting her speed and evasion. Despite what the class icon shows, this class doesn't have any modifiers specific to melee damage, so ranged attacks will receive those bonuses as well.

GGG have increased onslaught duration for Raider, which make it benefit a lot to select a path which mainly focus on onslaught. It occured to Raideran that he can choose build which doesn't focus on frenzy charges. The path which focus on using frenzy charges is so power that everyone would be afraid of Raider collecting 10 frenzy charges.

No matter Spectral Throw build or coc Critical Strike build, you will be more powerful in clearing maps and attacking big boss under the enhancement by Raide's passive skills. We suggest you should have a try if you have interest in it.

Passive Skills

  • Evasion, Frenzy Charge Duration
  • Evasion, Movement Speed
  • Evasion, Onslaught Duration
  • Rapid Assault
  • Avatar of the Chase
  • Quartz Infusion
  • Avatar of the Veil
  • Way of the Poacher
  • Avatar of the Slaughter