Refund Policy
Can I get a refund if I haven't received my purchase?
Yes, you can apply for refund at Member Center for any reason before delivery.
Can I get a refund if I only receive part of my purchase?
Yes, we will refund uncompleted order, and the tax on the transaction is for our account.
Can I get a refund if the payment of the order is not completed?
It usually takes 3-10 days if you use check to pay. And refund can be agreed when the money you paid have transmitted to our account.
How long will I get my refund?
We will complete the refund within a workday, usually with 1-12 hours. And we promise that we complete it within 2 workdays at vacation time because of the difference of it across the world.
Ps: We are trying to meet the need of every customer in time. And please contact us if there is any problem in service.