
Champion that which you love. He who fights for nothing dies for nothing.
The Champion is a defensive/support class that can act as a tank for their party by debuffing enemies through taunts and impale, buffing their allies with enhanced Banners, or Intimidate enemies to reduce their defenses. They bolster their own defenses with Fortify, including the ability to permanently Fortify themselves, or gain a burst of Adrenaline at low life for increased damage and defenses. The tree grants increased armour and evasion rating across the board to further bolster their survivability as well.
Although Gladiator is as powerful as Champion in defence, the same result are come from different reasons. The former rely on error-tolerant rate of high block, but the latter on strong melee monster attack.
Compared with Gladiator, Champion always has fortify and his tauny has reduced damage; he can have higher reduced damage rate only with talent and need fewer equipment. Some players maybe think that Champion is deficient in damage and flexibility, but I think that it will be solved as you master the game.