Path of Exile 2 The Twilight Temple Map

The Twilight Temple Map [ Stock: | Per: 0 ]
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About The Twilight Temple Map
Moon Temple MapMap Level: 76
Map Tier: 9
Guild Character: ^
Item Quantity: (+75%-+100%)
Item Rarity: (+125%-+175%)
Monster Pack Size: (+25%-+50%)Area has increased monster variety
Area is inhabited by Lunaris fanatics
Area is inhabited by Solaris fanatics
Players are Cursed with Flammability
Players are Cursed with FrostbiteIn the shadow of war,
all are eclipsed.Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Monster Level: 76
AtlasBase: Vanguard Belt
Boss: Helial, the Day Unending
Selenia, the Endless NightBoss note: Large Temple, half owned by Solaris Fanatics (Fire damage) and half by Lunaris Fanatics (Cold damage). On each side are three floor buttons that when pressed summon Solaris/Lunaris mobs and the Sun/Moon Orb from Act 8. These orbs can use some of Solaris and Lunaris' more powerful abilities like the cascade of falling rocks. You will also see the unique mini-bosses from Act 8: Nightbringer Lucius, Regulus, Dawn and Dusk. At the end of the map you can choose to face either Lunaris or Solaris as the final boss. They both deal high amounts of hard to avoid damage but have little health.