PoE Ranger Ice Shot Deadeye League Starter Endgame Build

This PoE Ranger Ice shot Build very friendly to starter, making full use of the effects of ailment, we can even freeze the boss! Fast clear and high single target damage! Also a good PoE 3.10 Delirium League Starter Build!

This PoE Ranger Ice shot Build very friendly to starter, making full use of the effects of ailment, we can even freeze the boss! Fast clear and high single target damage! Also a good PoE 3.10 Delirium League Starter Build!

Pros and Cons

  • + Very good clear

  • + Good single target damage

  • + High move speed

  • + max attack/spell dodge

  • + Cheap to start

  • - Expensive to gear up and min-max

  • - Squishy, one shot if you do get hit from big attacks

  • - Cannot do elemental reflect maps

  • - Cannot do physical reflect maps if you use barrage

  • - No leech maps will be a pain

Passive Skill Tree


Gathering Winds - Far shot - Endless Munitions - Ricochet


Help Alira.


Lunaris and Garukhan



Death's Opus, Death BowArborix, Assassin BowChin Sol, Assassin BowBrimstone Bane Imperial BowReach of the Council, Spine Bow

- The best bow would be Death's Opus, +2 arrow and quiver +1 negates the need of GMP for ice shot, it adds a huge 100% crit multi, and has decent crit chance. 

- Arborix can also be used, it performs better than death's opus early on when you have low crit, the downside is you only do better damage every 8 seconds, iron reflex also interacts poorly with acrobatics. The price is cheaper but not really justified, just an option. 

- Chin sol is great too, it does more damage than death's opus as soon as you get any source of additional arrows. But you need to take point blank and be in melee range. At end game, it does about 1.5m more DPS. Using this bow also means you would have at most 5 arrows on ice shot; Flask(2), ascendency(1), Quiver(1).

- A cheaper alternative would be a rare bow with imperial or harbinger base. We want % increased physical damage, crit chance/multi, attack speed, double damage and pen. You can use this to transition from death's harp to death's opus

- Standard, you can use a legacy reach of the council for its +4 arrows. essentially adding a 7l GMP to ice shot and barrage with no drawbacks, this helps clear and adds about 80% dmg to barrage. Only downside is lower base crit, you would need watcher’s eye and perhaps bottled faith to have capped crit chance.

Devoto's Devotion, Nightmare BascinetStarkonja's Head, Silken HoodRat's Nest, Ursine PeltLoath Crest Lion Pelt

- Prioritize enchantment first, we are looking for the enchant "Barrage fires an additional projectile", in standard you can get +2. If you cannot score a barrage enchant, the next best would be "30% increased Assassin's Mark Curse Effect" "40% Increased Ice Shot damage" or reduced Hatred/Herald of Ice mana reservation.

- For the base, you can use devoto for 20% more ms, more attack speed. Rat's Nest for attack speed, huge crit chance and some ms, or Starkonja for some attack speed, crit chance, and life. 

- Ideally, you would use a rare helm with the delve suffix, "nearby enemies have -9% to cold resistance". The range of nearby is about a full screen from testing in PVP arena. 

Hyrri's Ire, Zodiac LeatherQueen of the Forest, Destiny LeatherLoreweave, Elegant RingmailGhoul Salvation Soldier's Brigandine

- Hyrri's Ire is the undisputed best DPS option, it provides cold damage topping a level 17 added cold damage support. In standard make sure you buy the legacy version, which is about 10% more damage.

- If you are struggling with resist and life, use Queen of the Forrest. or any rare chest would work.

- Another option is to use Lore weave, can be quite powerful if rolled correctly.

- A corrupted 6l armour, if you can get the right colours it is way better than Tabula, the downside is you can not use it at level 1.

Foe Spike Spike-Point Arrow QuiverRune Quill Synthesised Broadhead Arrow QuiverBeast Bite Synthesised Penetrating Arrow QuiverVoidfletcher, Penetrating Arrow Quiver

- On quivers we want crit multi, ele with attacks, max life, +1 arrow on shaped or warlord, and one open suffix to craft crit chance/frenzy on crit hybrid, you cannot craft this mod if you already have crit chance on the quiver. This will serve as our primary frenzy generation. The 5% may seem low, but we have 100% crit chance, attacks 4 times a second, every attack fires up to 15 projectiles, you would usually achieve max frenzy in 3 seconds from bosses, or 2 pack clear with ice shot. 

- Voidfletcher is another option when you have +4 additional arrows,but that means no permanent uptime of frenzy charges at boss fights. Due to how projectile behaviour works, we also do not want any source of piercing in our build, any corrupted implicit is better in this case for voidfletcher.

Tombfist, 2 Jewels, Steelscale GauntletsOnslaught Mitts Gripped GlovesOskarm, Nubuck GlovesSurgebinders, Dragonscale Gauntlets

- Double Abyss tomb fist is still the best DPS option, the downside being low life and no resist, make sure you have a Murderous eye to intimate enemies, that's a 10% inc damage taken on enemies.

- The next option is any gripped gloves with resist and life, you want at least t2 life, if not t1. If you can spare resist elsewhere, aim for attack speed, inc projectile dmg, flat added damage, increased elemental damage and dmg agasint chilled enemies. Best DPS roll is +1 max frenzy/culling strike on warlord base gloves.

- Another option is to get gloves with +1 max frenzy corruption, slink is the best base for this since corruption rerolls implicit, the best case is you get warlord influence for the sweet +2 max frenzy. 

- Oskarm is a cheap way to get power charges early on, some life and decent spell dodge chance.

- Surgebinders synergises well with darkray, we can get up to 56% increased elemental damage at 8 frenzy charges. But, it has no life and resists.

Darkray Vectors, Dragonscale Boots, Skull Tread Nubuck BootsEmpyrean Tread Synthesised Shagreen Boots

- Dark ray gives +1 max frenzy and decent move speed when we have full frenzies, as well as some dodge. In standard you can buy a +1 max frenzy corruption, giving us 2 extra frenzy charge.

- Best boots would be to use rare with a lot of life, resist and move speed. We can get max frenzy on gloves corrupt. Redeemer base has the affix chance to gain elusive on crit, which acts exactly like withering steps except it cannot be refreshed. 

- Synthesized boots with onslaught implicit are the best we can get, try to buy or roll good life, resist and move speed. Permanent uptime on onslaught will be a huge boost.

Entropy Charm Onyx AmuletGlyph Choker Citrine AmuletYoke of Suffering, Onyx AmuletThe Pandemonius, Jade Amulet

- Rare shaped amulet with crit multi, ele with attack, gain x% physical as extra cold, ele pen, damage per dex is all good rolls, we use onyx here to alleviate some stat requirements. 

- Redeemer amulet with 5-6% increased damage per frenzy charge, cold pen, +lvl to all cold skills. Hybrid shaper redeemer would be crazy if rolled correctly. 

- Yoke of suffering is good because of the affix, your elemental damage can shock, a somewhat reliable way to shock enemies, works great with the taming. 

- Pandemonious gives increased cold damage, cold pen, and blind, the chill when hit is mostly useless as we always chill when we hit with ice shot, but the permanent blind is helpful with survivability.

- For anointment, get "Throat Seeker" for DPS, "Graceful Assault" if you have no other form of onslaught generation, "Freedom of Movement" for more ms, "Cruel Preparation", "Purity of Flesh", "Discipline and Training", "Constitution", "Soul of Steel", or any other defensive nodes you want.

Cataclysm Hold Opal RingMark of the Elder, Steel RingCircle of FearThe Taming, Prismatic RingStorm Knot Two-Stone Ring

- A rare shaped ring with the suffix "Curse enemies with LVL X Assassin's Mark on hit" is insanely good, it gives a huge chunk of crit chance and some crit damage, killing cursed enemies will also have decent chance to get power charge, further boosting our crit potential. An opal ring is the best base but can get quite expensive, you can instead use a diamond ring, stats we want are life/resist/damage. 

- Mark of the elder works great with our shaped ring, gives some cold damage and a very big damage boost to attacks.

- Circle of fear is also good, you will need X% increased Cold Damage while affected by Herald of Ice and Herald of Ice has X% increased Buff Effect to be good, if you can't get these 2 together then mark of the elder is better, implicit try to get inc damage while leeching, % inc cold damage, increased elemental damage with attack skills, the very best would be gain onslaught on hit, but this with the 2 desired affix will make the price stupidly high.

- The Taming will be the best way to fix resist, up to 40% of all res is nice. The bonus damage is hard to get though, we can only reliably ignite enemies, we don't get a bonus from chill only freeze, but we can't freeze end game bosses. We can't reliably shock either because we do many little hits and to shock we need a single hit of 150K lightning damage to shock for the minimal amount. 

- If you can’t get curse on hit for some reason, then any ring with resist and life will do.

Nemesis Cord Stygian Vise

- For a clear speed build, HH is the obvious choice, gaining a rare monster's mods is the single most powerful ability in this game. 

- For bossing or lower budget, a stygian with life/res will work just fine.

Seething Divine Life Flask of StaunchingAtziri's Promise, Amethyst FlaskBottled Faith, Sulphur FlaskDying Sun, Ruby FlaskTaste of Hate, Sapphire FlaskThe Wise Oak, Bismuth FlaskCinderswallow Urn, Silver FlaskSurgeon's Quicksilver Flask of AdrenalineExperimenter's Quicksilver Flask of WardingAvenger's Diamond Flask of Adrenaline

- A lot of options when it comes to flasks. Firstly it is mandatory to get an instant life flask, with bleed immune on it, a quick double-tap will bring you back to full life from near death. 

- Atziri's Promise is the cheapest way to get a huge chunk of damage out. 

- Bottled Faith is really strong against bosses you can easily reach 100% crit with this flask.

- Taste of Hate, works well both defensively and offensively, gaining 20% phy as extra cold means we will be getting 20% inc cold damage as we fully convert to cold damage. 

- Wise Oak if you can over cap cold res as dying sun gives 50%, getting a nice chunk of cold pen. 

- Dying Sun is a must get for this or any bow builds, it gives +2 arrows, equivalent to death's opus.

- If your crit chance is low, squeeze in a Diamond flask, "Lucky" means you roll your crit twice and takes the higher value, this will help you cap your crit chance. 

- Cinderswallow performs better than Atziri's Promise only when it has crit chance veil, and when you have any amount of fire damage to proc ignite. It is also an onslaught flask, meaning you can free up gear choices.

- Have two quicksilver flasks on hand, one for suffix inc movement speed, one curse immune, swap them if you get temporal chains in maps.

Morbid Arch Searching Eye JewelLioneye's Fall, Viridian JewelThe Green Nightmare, Viridian JewelBrutal Restraint Timeless Jewel

- A big bulk of our dmg comes from abyss jewels, prioritize resist first, then if you are under 4k life you need at least t2 life on them. For damage, we want crit multi, flat added dmg, inc crit multi if we killed recently, inc dmg if we killed recently, inc attack speed if we crit recently.

- Lioneye's fall is mandatory, it goes into the socket directly above the "Acrobatics" keystone, this allows us to grab some powerful claw crit nodes, notable "Soul Raker" provides the much-needed mana leech. 

- Then we want a watcher's eye with crit chance hatred, this is to help get our crit as high as possible and make frenzy gen more reliable. If you want more sheet DPS, go for added cold then cold pen. If you can't afford double hatred, get precision with any hatred mod, flask charge on crit, crit multiplier, inc attack speed.

- If you do decide to go with voidfletcher, you need to use a green nightmare near "survivalist" or "Golem's blood" and take the respective resist nodes.

- Alternatively to green nightmare would be a well-rolled brutal restraint, try to look for gain frenzy on kill, as all timeless jewels are unique, plug in the ones you have into POB and see if yours is better than the green nightmare.


- Try to aim for 5.5k life, 5k should be the bare minimum, this is where you would survive shaper balls, 5.2k will let you barely survive Sirus. 

- You want a good balance between rare and uniques, the only "mandatory" Uniques are Hrri's Ire, Death's Opus. the rest can be swapped around as you see fit. 

- You might want some chaos resistance on gear to deal with this league. 

- Gears that give you the most damage, in order: Death's Opus - Hyrri's Ire - Dying Sun - Curse on hit ring - Barrage helm - Other unique ring - Good rare amulet or a unique one - Rare quiver with frenzy on crit.