Tier 1 Wild Seeds

Wild Ursaling Seed

Reveals a random Caster modifier crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a {Caster} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Caster} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Caster} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Caster} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Caster} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Caster} modifier

  • {Augment} a Magic or Rare item with a new {Caster} modifier

  • {Augment} a Magic or Rare item with a new {Caster} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Caster} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Caster} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Caster} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Caster} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Caster} modifier. {Caster} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} a Magic or Rare item with a new {Caster} modifier with Lucky values

Wild Hellion Seed

Reveals a random Physical modifier crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a {Physical} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Physical} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Physical} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Physical} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Physical} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Physical} modifier

  • {Augment} a Magic or Rare item with a new {Physical} modifier

  • {Augment} a Magic or Rare item with a new {Physical} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Physical} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Physical} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Physical} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Physical} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Physical} modifier. {Physical} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} a Magic or Rare item with a new {Physical} modifier with Lucky values

Wild Thornwolf Seed

Reveals a random Socket colour crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} the colour of a {non-Red} socket on an item, turning it {Red}

  • {Reforge} the colour of a {non-Blue} socket on an item, turning it {Blue}

  • {Reforge} the colour of a {non-Green} socket on an item, turning it {Green}

  • {Reforge} the colour of a {non-Red} socket on an item, turning it {Red}

  • {Reforge} the colour of a {non-Blue} socket on an item, turning it {Blue}

  • {Reforge} the colour of a {non-Green} socket on an item, turning it {Green}

  • {Reforge} the colour of {two random} sockets on an item, turning them {Red and Blue}

  • {Reforge} the colour of {two random} sockets on an item, turning them {Red and Green}

  • {Reforge} the colour of {two random} sockets on an item, turning them {Blue and Green}

  • {Reforge} the colour of {three random} sockets on an item, turning them {Red, Green and Blue}

  • {Reforge} the colour of a random {socket} on an item, turning it {White}

Wild Ape Seed

Reveals a random Fire modifier crafting effect when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a {Fire} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Fire} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Fire} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Fire} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {non-Fire} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Fire} modifier

  • {Augment} a Magic or Rare item with a new {Fire} modifier

  • {Augment} a Magic or Rare item with a new {Fire} modifier

  • {Remove} a random {Fire} modifier from an item

  • {Randomise} the numeric values of the random {Fire} modifiers on a Magic or Rare item

  • {Remove} a random {Fire} modifier from an item and {add} a new {Fire} modifier

  • {Reforge} a {Rare} item with new random modifiers, including a {Fire} modifier. {Fire} modifiers are more common

  • {Augment} a Magic or Rare item with a new {Fire} modifier with Lucky valuesa

Wild Hatchling Seed

Reveals a random Currency crafting effect with improved outcome chances when Harvested

  • {Reforge} the {number of sockets} on an item 10 times, using the outcome with the greatest number of sockets

  • {Reforge} the {links between sockets} on an item 10 times, using the outcome with the greatest number of linked sockets

  • {Reforge} the {colours of sockets} on an item 10 times, using the outcome with the greatest number of less-common socket colours

  • Improves the {Quality} of a {Flask} by at least 10%. Has greater effect on lower rarity flasks. The maximum quality is 20%

  • Improves the {Quality} of a {Gem} by at least 10%. The maximum quality is 20%

  • {Upgrades} a Normal Item to a {random rarity} 10 times, using the outcome with the highest rarity

  • {Reforge} a Rare item with new {random modifiers} 10 times, using the outcome with the highest average modifier level

  • Corrupt an item 10 times, or until getting a corrupted implicit modifier

Tier 2 Wild Seeds

Wild Bristlebeast Grain

Reveals a random crafting effect that changes the element of Elemental Resistance modifiers when Harvested

  • {Change} a modifier that grants {Fire} Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants {Cold} Resistance

  • {Change} a modifier that grants {Cold} Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants {Lightning} Resistance

  • {Change} a modifier that grants {Lightning} Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants {Fire} Resistance

  • {Change} a modifier that grants {Fire} Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants {Lightning} Resistance

  • {Change} a modifier that grants {Cold} Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants {Fire} Resistance

  • {Change} a modifier that grants {Lightning} Resistance into a similar-tier modifier that grants {Cold} Resistance

Wild Snap Hound Grain

Reveals a currency item exchange, trading three of a certain type of currency for other currency items when Harvested

  • {Exchange} 3 {Chaos Orbs} for a Divine Orb

  • {Exchange} 3 {Orbs of Transmutation} for 3 Orbs of Alchemy

  • {Exchange} 3 {Blessed Orbs} for 6 Orbs of Alteration

  • {Exchange} 3 {Orbs of Alchemy} for 6 Cartographer's Chisels

  • {Exchange} 3 {Chromatic Orbs} for 6 Gemcutter's Prisms

  • {Exchange} 3 {Jeweller's Orbs} for 6 Orbs of Fusing

  • {Exchange} 3 {Orbs of Augmentation} for 3 Regal Orbs

  • {Exchange} 3 {Scrolls of Wisdom} for 6 Orbs of Chance

  • {Exchange} 3 {Simple Sextants} for 3 Prime Sextants

  • {Exchange} 3 {Prime Sextants} for 3 Awakened Sextants

  • {Exchange} 3 {Orbs of Scouring} for 3 Orbs of Annulment

  • {Exchange} 3 {Orbs of Alteration} for 3 Chaos Orbs

  • {Exchange} 3 {Vaal Orbs} for 6 Orbs of Regret

  • {Exchange} 3 {Cartographer's Chisels} for 3 Vaal Orbs

Wild Homunculus Grain

Reveals a random effect that exchanges Fossils, Essences, Delirium Orbs, Oils or Catalysts when Harvested

  • {Change} a stack of {Fossils} into a different type of Fossil

  • {Change} a stack of {Essences} into a different type of the same tier

  • {Change} a stack of {Delirium Orbs} into a different type of Delirium Orb

  • {Change} a stack of {Oils} into a different colour of Oil

  • {Change} a stack of {Catalysts} into a different type of Catalyst

Wild Chieftain Grain

Allows you to Sacrifice a Map to influence Zana's crafting options when Harvested

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map}. Add a free craft to your Map device

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map}. Add a free Infused Anarchy craft to your Map device

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map}. Add a free Infused Nemesis craft to your Map device

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map}. Add a free Infused Domination craft to your Map device

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map}. Add a free Infused Bloodlines craft to your Map device

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map}. Add a free Infused Rampage craft to your Map device

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map}. Add a free Infused Ambush craft to your Map device

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map}. Add a free Infused Harbinger craft to your Map device

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map}. Add a free Infused Perandus craft to your Map device

Wild Spikeback Grain    

Reveals a random crafting effect that reforges a Rare item a certain way when Harvested

  • {Reforge} a Rare item, keeping all {Prefixes}

  • {Reforge} a Rare item, keeping all {Suffixes}

  • {Reforge} a Rare item, being much {less likely} to receive the same modifier types

  • {Reforge} a Rare item, being much {more likely} to receive the same modifier types

Tier 3 Wild Seeds

Wild Bristle Matron Bulb

Allows you to sacrifice a Map to gain additional Atlas missions when Harvested

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map} to gain 3 Alva Atlas Missions

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map} to gain 3 Niko Atlas Missions

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map} to gain 3 Einhar Atlas Missions

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map} to gain 3 Jun Atlas Missions

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map} to gain 3 Zana Atlas Missions

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map} to gain 1 Atlas Mission for each Master

Wild Hellion Alpha Bulb

Allows you to sacrifice a Weapon or Armour to create Jewellery or Jewels when Harvested

  • {Sacrifice} a {Weapon} or {Armour} to create a {Belt} with similar modifiers

  • {Sacrifice} a {Weapon} or {Armour} to create a {Ring} with similar modifiers

  • {Sacrifice} a {Weapon} or {Armour} to create an {Amulet} with similar modifiers

  • {Sacrifice} a {Weapon} or {Armour} to create a {Jewel} with similar modifiers

Wild Thornmaw Bulb

Allows you to Sacrifice a Map to create items for the Atlas when Harvested

  • {Sacrifice} a {White} or {Yellow Map} to create random Map Fragments based on its tier

  • {Sacrifice} a {White} or {Yellow Map} to create random Map Fragments based on its tier

  • {Sacrifice} a {Red Map} to create random Map Fragments based on its tier

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map} to create random Map currency based on its tier

  • {Sacrifice} a {Map} to create a random Scarab based on its colour

  • {Sacrifice} a {Tier 14 Map} or higher to create a random Elder Guardian-occupied Map

  • {Sacrifice} a {Tier 14 Map} or higher to create a random Shaper Guardian-occupied Map

  • {Sacrifice} a {Tier 14 Map} or higher to create a random Unique Synthesis Map

Wild Brambleback Bulb

Reveals a random Weapon Enchantment that replaces Quality's effect when Harvested

  • {Enchant} a {Weapon}. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, has 1% increased Critical Strike Chance per 4% Quality

  • {Enchant} a {Weapon}. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, grants 1% increased Accuracy per 2% Quality

  • {Enchant} a {Weapon}. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, has 1% increased Attack Speed per 8% Quality

  • {Enchant} a {Melee Weapon}. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, has +1 Weapon Range per 10% Quality

  • {Enchant} a {Weapon}. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, grants 1% increased Elemental Damage per 2% Quality

  • {Enchant} a {Weapon}. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, grants 1% increased Area of Effect per 4% Quality

Wild Infestation Queen Bulb

Causes other seeds to offer an additional crafting outcome. This effect is limited to one per harvest when Harvested

Tier 4 Wild Seeds

Wild Thornfruit

Reveal a random crafting effect that locks a random modifier on an item when Harvested

  • {Fracture} a random modifier on an item with at least 5 modifiers, locking it in place. This can't be used on Influenced, Synthesised, or Fractured items

  • {Fracture} a random {Suffix} on an item with least 3 Suffixes. This can't be used on Influenced, Synthesised, or Fractured items

  • {Fracture} a random {Prefix} on an item with at least 3 Prefixes. This can't be used on Influenced, Synthesised, or Fractured items.


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